
* * *

7 pm, the night was still too young to be calling it a day as the music rang across the event hall and attendants pacing around serving and collecting out the empty utensils. More than a month ago, a program like this was held at the same hall as an invite-only event. The said event was supposed to be a test to see the success rate of a possible debut however none have thought that it would be a huge success, raising a fund of more than 10 million dollars in a single night.

Additionally, although the event was private, the artist Joshua Bronson who was a famous European painter became famous in the country as well because of that. Artists, specifically painters, get little to no attention from the media unlike in the art industry unless one was a cancer survivor, or maybe helped put out the wildfires in the country or even helped to save endangered species. It was a sad reality but unless it could move the viewers' hearts, a supposedly famous artist like Joshua Bronson would have never had the chance to be broadcast on TV even if there was a bribe.

That's just how it was in the entertainment industry but Joshua Bronson was truly lucky, whether it was because the reporters needed something as a cover-up why they came that day and accidentally harmed the doted and pregnant wife of Mo Laotian, Daniel Sullen Mo, that doesn't matter. Because of all the hype, the event today was bustling with people sitting high in the society.

"Hey, are you sure it's okay for you to be here? You told your husband you're here right?" Joshua nagged, putting his hands on his sides before sighing in frustration. Even though he was friends with the Omega and might have flirted with him before, he still didn't want to be on his older brother's bad side.

"It's fine, so relax. Something happened to the company in Arizona so he won't be back until tomorrow. I'm so bored at home, can't you let me enjoy this event? I'm only here for the food," Jordan replied, smiling eerily.

"In short, he didn't know that you're here?" Joshua asked, feeling even more frustrated.

"What does it matter?? It's not like I'm doing trouble," Jordan stubbornly said. Just as he was able to sneak out, he can't afford to let chance slide especially when there is a chance where he can meet Daniel Mo again tonight and finish what he was supposed to do this time.

"It does matter to me. I can't cause trouble today, my career will depend on it... ahh whatever, just stay put and don't do anything stupid," Joshua said at the end looking at his brother-in-law leisurely eating snacks in the staff room before he decided to leave and let the Omega be. He was never going to win against Jordan anyway so it was worthless to talk to him.

Watching his back as he disappeared behind the door, Jordan's smile became even wider. He promised that once he fulfills his mission tonight, he will finally listen to his husband and silently hide until their baby is out. Of course, this is if Daniel Mo attends tonight. After the incident where he unintentionally poisoned the future heirs of the Mo household, it has been difficult to find the Omegas location. In addition to that their movements become limited so they couldn't conduct further investigation. But if chances that the Omega comes he will not hesitate and strike.

Knowing that his enemies were starting to enjoy life again, made him feel so annoyed. Even more so when he couldn't do anything about it. Thankfully, Joshua's event came and Diego is coincidentally away. And although the raid they did in Africa was unsuccessful, he believed that Mo Laotian was now still hiding, maybe even fighting for his life. If the Omega comes tonight, his plan will go on smoothly.

There was no better chance than this time, it's like the Gods above were giving him this golden chance. Daniel Mo might have a few guards with him, Jordan is well aware it won't be easy but surely with his preparation, he will succeed.

* * *

"Sir, there are quite a few suspicious individuals around just like you anticipated," Nigel reported, whispering his words as he opened the car door for Laotian. Before the Alpha arrived they'd already been at the venue to check everything leaving no stones unturned.

"Hmmm, proceed with the plan, " Laotian simply said as he stepped out of his vehicle. He fixed his suit briefly before he stood proudly looking at the familiar building. He could still not forget the image of Daniel falling on the ground looking at him in horror. It was already months ago but the sharp pain he felt in his heart seeing his beloved, fighting the pain still gave him sleepless nights.

That day made him realize that he was not powerful enough to prevent all harm from coming at Daniel. Since that day he desired to gather wealth and power like never had been before. He never cared about money, it has always been about the joy he felt when he achieves and conquers something and so before he knew it he had become so successful. However, right now, if money and power were to help him better protect Daniel and their little family, he didn't mind selling his soul to the devil for it.

"I want this event to run as smoothly," Laotian said and quickly Nigel immediately knew what the command was. Getting rid of all possible enemies before anything could happen was not the Alpha's usual self but Nigel does understand why the Alpha decided to do this.

"Yes sir, we will capture them all for custody, " Nigel nodded. He was right, it was Mo Laotian's habit to get rid of possible individuals that might cause harm to him because he was very confident with his ability. Additionally, he likes to see what his enemies would do as it awakens his sadistic side. Of course, he did not like his men to go through situations where they had to settle someone they had mistakenly captured as it would further spread the existence of their organization.

Furthermore, with the enemy supposedly not knowing where he was, given that Diego Bronson didn't betray them and where he is right now, Mo Laotian didn't like that these suspicious individuals were to cause harm to Daniel who was supposed to be the one to go tonight.

"Good. Max the security once you've finished," Laotian ordered while walking towards the event building with two of his men. As he was walking further, people started to notice him giving off the usual reaction Mo Laotian was used to.

"Oh My God, is that Mo Laotian? Why is he here?" One woman gasped in surprise tugging on his friend. When they attended this event due to the hype, they only planned to socialize, join in some social circles that will benefit their household just like any socialite members of the society does. Never in their wildest dream, they would be blessed enough to see Mo Laotian, the formidable chairman of the most successful company in the country. With the Alpha's presence, that just means that the people in this gallery were those who stand among the highest in the society which will benefit them positively if they were to form a connection.

"Ahh, my husband declined my invitation thinking this event was a waste of time. I'm going to contact him now. If he's lucky enough he might leave a good impression," Another woman said and quickly fished out his mobile phone out of his expensive purse.

"Me too. After that news about Mo Hanlu, the Mo Empire doubled their assets thanks to Mo Laotian's strategy. My husband is planning to expand his company, I'm sure leaving a good impression on someone like Mo Laotian will benefit him," And another said as well as they whispered but not one bit Laotian was bothered. He continued to walk further after the receptionist led him to his seat. And not long after, Joshua Bronson came and greeted him.

"Good evening, it is my honor to have you here as our guest," Joshua greeted and extended his hand to shake Laotian's, to which the Alpha politely received with a brief nod. He had heard from Diego Bronson that although they had used Joshua to get closer to Daniel, Diego admitted that his half-brother didn't know anything about Jordan's plots. It's good that Joshua was not planning to hurt Daniel but Laotian still couldn't let his guard down with the younger Alpha because he had the feeling that if he left Daniel alone with him, the bastard would devour his beloved without a second thought.

"It is unfortunate that I am unable to see your lovely wife tonight but please extend my regards to him. After tonight, surely his name will remain in people's hearts," Joshua said with a bright professional smile. He knew full well that Mo Laotian was a powerful man but he was still heartbroken to learn that he could never hold Daniel like he had hoped for in the beginning. Just when he saw a person that really moved his heart but knowing that a man had already taken him made him feel bitter.

His eyes turning sharp, Laotian's ear rang when he heard the young Alpha call his wifely lovely. Although Daniel was indeed lovely with no doubt, he didn't want another man saying such things in front of him.

"Of course, there is no doubt about that," Laotian said with a deep warning-filled voice that was too obvious to ignore. And as the receiver of the threat, Joshua quickly noticed the change and couldn't help but smirk before promptly excusing himself not wanting to trigger the Alpha any further.

"Well then, if you just excuse me. I still have a lot of visitors I have to greet tonight. The event is about to start so please enjoy yourself until the finale," Joshua said and quickly left without waiting for Laotian's reply, to which the Alpha didn't care because he was never planning to reply to begin with.

With Joshua Bronson gone, Laotian silently sat on his chair which was the first row after the stage, and just like what Joshua Bronson said, the host came out with his professional smile and greeted everyone. The gallery has a bidding system so after the arts have been shown to the public to enjoy, it will then be taken out for the main event which was the bidding. And unlike the last time, anyone can bid this time, and the money that will be earned from the event will be donated to the charity.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen..." the host said, catching everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming to join us in tonight's wonderful event. Of course, none of this would have been possible if not for our main host for tonight. After his successful gallery more than 2 months ago raising more than 10 million dollars, he had successfully debuted in the country and even caught the media's eyes. It's only been months since he had come to the country but he had helped many charities and hospitals since then. Truly a kind and talented person," The host said his praises, gathering loud gasps and claps from the crowd except for Mo Laotian who was not in the slightest bit impressed.

If not for the fact that Daniel idolized this man, he would have already ruined the man's career for even daring to covet Daniel. Laotian had heard from his father's men, April, that Joshua Bronson was infatuated with Daniel. Of course, he couldn't blame the younger Alpha for falling for Daniel but he prefers not knowing, else he'd disappoint the Omega for acting so pathetic against some bastard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please let us all welcome our host for tonight... Mr. Joshua Bronson," The emcee said a couple more things, mainly praises that truly impressed the majority before finally calling the artist into the stage.