Together Again

WARNING! Horny couple ahead! You have been warned.

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Laotian sat on his chair scanning on his iPad, he was scanning on some discussions on the internet pertaining to last night's event. He already talked to the heads and representatives of the 4 major publishing companies of the country so he was waiting for an article to be posted that will cover-up everything.

Clicking on a title from some forum, Laotian read some of the comments and he was amazed at how rumors quickly started to spread when it had not even 12 hours had passed yet.

@shayquisad [Has anyone heard about what had happened downtown last night?]

@sapinska [No, what happened?]

@teishawnorr [Yesss! @shayquisad I heard there were gunshots and people were in a panic after a gallery event. Some people even said they saw dead people being transported out of the building. It was scary.]

@JamieKim [@shayquisad @teishawnorr I heard it too. Rumors say that this was connected to Mo Laotian. He was there and bid 60 Million on a painting painted by an unknown painter. Someone saw him inside the building while the gunshots were happening and some men were preventing people from entering. I saw a live video last night but it's now gone and no matter how someone reuploads the video, it would be deleted in mere seconds.]

@sapinska [@JamieKim Of course they're going to delete it. That's a pretty bad scandal even for the most formidable household in the country.]

@Dorcymatta74 [@JamieKim What does the chairman of the Mo Empire got to do with this? That's gunshots, he can't be involved in that. And why isn't this on TV news if it's true.]

@shayquisad [@teishawnorr @JamieKim that's insane. I only heard rumors but I never thought it was this serious. @Dorcymatta74 I wish they were joking but everyone knows that Mo Empire was just a front, the Mo household had already been suspected of running a syndicate group but they're too powerful that even authorities can't touch them. A man that spends 60 million in one night for a painting, I bet not even the government can touch him, what can the media do?]

@sapinska [@Dorcymatta74 And we all know the Mo brothers have been paying the media to keep their mouths shut. Why do you think no news had ever gone out about them until just recently?]

@ahsantuwa [I don't know guys, I think it's unfair that you're inadvertently making Mo Laotian take the responsibility. The man was just there to enjoy art and that's his money, he can do whatever he wants with it. Also, his wife is an art student, I hear he's a good painter as well. I won't be surprised if the painter of the painting he bought was Daniel Mo. Everyone knows how much he loves his wife. Maybe this was just a coincidence.]

@ahsantuwa [And paying the media might be true but put yourself in their shoes. News companies are known to be biased, especially ABC. If they don't pay, how much do you think these greedy companies tweak the information to brainwash people? Please be mindful that not all on TV or the Internet are true. You might be prosecuting an innocent person and Mo Empire could come to you with defamation.]

@ineshalt [@teishawnorr @JamieKim @shayquisad Hi, please before you start a rumor, do your research first. ABC and Sunrise Publishing just released an article about last night's commotion. So apparently last night's event was a taping from an action movie that the Mo Empire was sponsoring. You can read the details on their websites.]

@JunkAnimegrx [Dawn Entertainment and E-Publishing also confirmed the leaked information. The movie was to be announced next year, and last night was supposed to be the finale of the shooting.]

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Putting his device on the coffee table knowing that the rumor will soon die down, Laotian massaged his temples feeling a headache coming. He used to do an all-nighter but after he married he started eating and resting properly so now his head was hurting for not getting a night of proper sleep. However, despite that, Laotian stared at Daniel's paintings that he brought inside his room after Hanlu left earlier before he smiled tenderly remembering that he was finally going to be with his wife again later.

Standing from the chair, Laotian walked towards his closet and started stripping his suit when he reached it. He threw his clothes into the hamper, he had been wearing them since last night and he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable wearing dirty clothes. After taking off his watch leaving only his underwear, Laotian took his robe and soon walked towards his bathroom. If he was going to sleep, he wanted to feel fresh.

The shower didn't take more than 20 minutes before he walked back to his closet with a towel wrapped around his torso while wiping his wet hair with another towel. When he reached his closet, his hand stopped rubbing his, leaving his tower on top of his head before he took out a fresh boxer brief to which he wore throwing his towels to the hamper. And from there, only wearing his grey underwear he took out a simple plain beige t-shirt and sweatpants being that it was the only comfortable clothes available for him to sleep on.

When he was done, he massaged his temples again and decided to lay. With his headache getting worse, he fell asleep almost immediately hoping that Daniel would be there by his side. A lot of things had happened, he escaped death again and he will continue to do so as much as he can for Daniel and their children but he couldn't help but think of getting a reward at least. A simple kiss from the Omega would have sufficed.

* * *

Waking up feeling his arm getting numb, Laotian opened his eyes only to see Daniel by his side sleeping using his numb arm as a pillow, the reason why it was numb in the first place. Laotian smiled, for a second he thought he was dreaming but the smell of his sweet powdery scent lingered in his nose that he couldn't help gently wrap his other arm around Daniel.

He kissed Daniel's forehead softly and once again he promised to himself that from now on he will treasure his life and that he would stay away from danger as much as possible, that way Daniel won't have to worry sick thinking about whether he was going to die or not any moment.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Daniel suddenly said waking from his nap. He arrived not more than 30 minutes ago so he wasn't that deep in sleep.

"Hmmmn, when did you arrive?" Laotian nodded before he asked Daniel.

"Not too long, I didn't want to wake you up so I joined in," Daniel replied and attempted to sit up but wasn't able to with Laotian preventing him to do so by towering over him, the tip of their nose and forehead touched that just one little tilt and they would definitely kiss.

"I see..." Laotian said, his eyes lowering to stare at his wife's lips. "I don't see Luangmin around," Laotian added noticing their son wasn't around because if he was, he wouldn't have been able to do this much to Daniel.

"Hanlu's babysitting him with Ian," Daniel replied with a smile. He already knew long ago that Hanlu likes to pretend that Minmin was his baby and that didn't stop even when he had Lan. He simply just like babies too much, even more so when Luangmin looks just like Laotian when he was young and everybody knows how much Hanlu adores his older brother.

"Then it should be fine right?" Laotian suddenly said before he pressed his lips against Daniel. Earlier he was dreaming of kissing his wife and now he's doing it. Nothing truly beats reality, just one soft moan from his wife, and his lower half instantly grew excitedly. It's an immediate reaction that he couldn't prevent in time.

"Now I'm convinced that you're fine," Daniel commented after their lips separated and a string of saliva still connected them until it split apart. Even if he didn't see his husband's erection, the way the Alpha looks at him told him that Laotian was.

"I wouldn't lie to you," Laotian replied, his eyes filled with suppressed longing.

"I know," Daniel chuckled, wrapping his arms around the Alpha's neck and pulled him for another kiss. Of course, he too was longing for his husband for they simply cannot do more like before.

"Hmmmn," Their heads swayed intimately as their tongues moved in a rhythm, none of them wanted to stop however a minute had passed and they had to pull away.

No words were needed to say what the other wanted, they have already connected in both body and mind so needless to say Daniel allowed Laotian to unbuckle his maternity pants without complaint despite turning red in embarrassment.

"Ahhh," Daniel moaned, surprised as he feltLaotian's touch against his drenched organ.

"You're wet," Laotian mentioned before he brought his sullied finger to his mouth and licked it, shocking Daniel.

"D-Don't put that on y-your mouth, Dummy! That's dirty," Daniel whined and tried to hide his sensitive area but was unable to with his massive stomach blocking his reach from his position.

"That's not what you said last time," Laotian only chuckled while carefully placing pillows around Daniel's torso and lower back. He couldn't even count how many times he had gulped down loads of those, it was already too late to say such a thing especially when the Omega was sitting on his face days ago.

Blushing at his husband's reply, Daniel bit his lower lips unable to retaliate. Since Laotian wasn't allowed to put it in, they had to pleasure each other in a different way. It was embarrassing but last time he was too horny to stop the Alpha. And he can't deny he loved it, just remembering how Laotian's hot and slick tongue thrusts inside him vigorously made him wetter than ever.

"Are you remembering last time?" Laotian teased, his thumb rubbed Daniel's pleasure bid loving the fact that his wife was already so wet for him.

"Ahhh...s-stop..." Daniel whined shyly, hiding his face in embarrassment but he doesn't sound so unconvincing with his hole tightening in anticipation.

"Don't be shy, I'll make you feel good like the last time," Laotian whispered tenderly, leaning forward to kiss the top of Daniel's protruding belly before venturing down. Without waiting for Daniel to reply, Laotian quickly settled over before his hot and wide tongue sucked on his beloved's erect tower that instantly earned a soft blissful hum from the Omega.

"Hmmmm," Daniel palmed onto the sheets, buckling up for the long ride. No matter how embarrassing this was, he couldn't deny the pleasure it brought him. It's a different pleasure from sex but just like sex, this made his head turn mushy, his eyes rolling up in daze and toes curling down.

"Ahhh! Ohhh! Hnnnn, " Daniel continued to moan as Laotian let go of his stiff rod and ventured downward to his dripping hole. Daniel bit his lip hearing Laotian gasped deeply the moment he spread him wide for him to see and knowing what would come next, he braced himself.

"Ohhhh Laotian!" Daniel called, his body slightly bent backward. He was being manhandled effortlessly by the Alpha making him hornier than ever. Meanwhile, knowing how turned on Daniel was, he tried to keep his mind sane enduring the painful tightness on his pants. The strings to his rationality were about to snap but he was holding onto it to his dear life because he knew it wasn't allowed.

"Ahhhh, H-Honey... Ohhh, I-I'm about to..." Daniel called softly, unable to finish his words, he was already feeling on the edge and he only needed a little more time for him to come. Also, the fact that they're doing this at Laotian's workplace only added more fire to his blazing desires. This was not the first time but the feeling he had the first time they did it at this exact place didn't disappear.

Minutes gone long, at last, Daniel found his release to which Laotian gladly slurped until the last drop before he pulled away licking the side of his mouth looking at Daniel's helpless state. Both their heads felt light and in daze, Laotian pulled out his dripping erection.

Daniel was still heaving for air when he found Laotian in front of him holding his rod as if telling him to suck him. Daniel blushed shyly but he slowly turned to the side and without question devoured Laotian's length until the bulging tip hit the back of his throat making him moan in both pain and pleasure.

Laotian was long and thick but definitely nothing he couldn't handle. As he felt Laotian's calloused fingers over his head, Daniel started bobbing his head while moaning. He was prepared to let his jaw turn numb until Laotian was satisfied but his eyes opened wide looking up to the Alpha who was staring at him dazedly before he closed them again and gulped down the massive load exploding deep directly to his throat.