Away From the Spotlight

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More than 5 hours after giving birth to the twins, Daniel finally woke up. He slowly opened his eyes, he could hear silent voices somewhere in the room and he knew immediately it was his family so he smiled looking at his side only to see Laotian working on his iPad. Daniel observes his husband at first and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly happy that he started crying. Laotian quickly noticed him so he hurriedly neared Daniel and held his cheeks.

"Honey, why are you crying? Are you in pain?" Laotian asked in a hurry, quickly catching everyone's attention.

"Hmmmn, I-I'm just happy you're here. I thought I was hallucinating," Daniel said and chewed on his lips, trying to prevent his cries. When everyone heard his explanation, they all heaved a huge sigh before a relief smile formed on their lips.

"Of course, I promised to be with you always," Laotian said and kissed Daniel's forehead.

"Thank you, Laotian," Daniel said tenderly. He was really thankful that he was blessed with such a loving and caring husband. As well as very supportive family members that love him so much.

"And the twins?" Daniel finally asked again, looking around. He guessed his babies should be with the nurse being taken care of but he still wanted to ask.

"The twins are safe and healthy but they need to be in the incubator because they're 2 weeks early. There is no problem with them so you don't have to worry," Laotian explained while the others listened.

"Hmmm, I understand, Laotian. I'm happy that they're safe," Daniel smiled in relief. Actually, he was worried because he thought he did badly when he was giving birth. He remembered fainting while doing it due to the pain and exhaustion so he didn't think the twins came out of him safely. Thankfully they are and now he is happy and fulfilled.

"Don't worry, Darling. The doctor already gave us permission to transfer the twins here later so you can see them every day until you're all healed. Luangmin will also come and stay with you tomorrow, I'm sure he missed you already," Laura interrupted. Since it is difficult to bring Luangmin to the hospital earlier when Daniel was just about to give birth, they appointed a temporary nanny to take care of him and Lan for a while. They were planning to bring him to the hospital later on but since it's already late, they've decided to bring the child tomorrow instead.

"Minmin is a good boy and his cousin is with him so I'm sure he isn't lonely. As for the twins, you can feed them later when it's time so all you have to do is focus on your recovery," Diane said and neared Daniel. She was really proud of Daniel for giving birth safely to the twins because if it was her, she doubted she would have done it as good as her son knowing that her only child had died before he could even see the world. For someone like her who couldn't even bear a child after that one time, seeing Daniel having his precious babies was like the happiest for her because she knew as a mother, nothing in the world could make one as happy as giving birth to their child.

"Thanks, Mommy, Mother, and everyone, for supporting me and Laotian on this journey. I know this wasn't the end so I'm hoping that you'll still be with me as our family grows," Daniel said, making everyone smile again and later continuing to praise and congratulate the two with the new members of the family. And after the whole congratulating session, each one of them finally bid their farewells because it had been more than 10 hours since they've been in the hospital and they needed to rest as well.

"Darling, Chen, and I will be going now. We'll be back tomorrow to visit you and the twins with your grandfather and Minmin," Laura said after Diane and Armand had left since their place is a little further and they came in a rush earlier, to which Daniel replied with a slight nod. Since Elder Sullen hasn't fully recovered from his illness, it is easy for him to catch sickness so he wasn't allowed to stay in the hospital for too long where all kinds of viruses could lurk around and attack his immune system. Daniel understood that and as long as the Elder knew that he and the twins were fine, he wasn't worried that the Elder would overthink too much and hurt himself again.

"I understand, Mother. See you all tomorrow," Daniel said with a slight nod.

"We really wish we could stay but visiting hours are about to end," Laura said dejectedly but both she and Mo Chendong are already old so their bodies also couldn't handle sleeping on the couch so there was no choice.

"It's fine Mother. Laotian is here for me," Daniel said again. Laura and Mo Chendong nodded and finally after the brief farewell they left leaving only and Laotian alone. There was silence between them at first, Daniel followed Laotian's figure while he walked in and out of the bathroom until at last, the Alpha was holding a basin with clean lukewarm water and towel on his arms.

"The nurses will come and set this place for the twins so, before that, I'll wipe you clean," Laotian said and Daniel nodded. Since he was going to feed the twins for the first time, his body should be clean for him to hold the two.

Laotian patiently cleaned Daniel without a problem. He was already used to this task so he soon finished quickly and by the time the nurses came with the twins and a few people who would work to set the space up for the incubator, Daniel was already dressed in a fresh gown and ready to carry his sons for the first time.

"Here are your babies Mr. Mo," the nurse said and quickly put one baby on Daniel's arms and another on Laotian's earning a brief, "Thank you." Daniel laid his eyes on his sleeping babies and his eyes instantly turned into hearts as he couldn't help but squeal softly in excitement. Just one glance at his son and he quickly fell in love, he couldn't help but feel pride. Now he could understand what Hanlu had felt when he wanted to flaunt Minmin when he was still a baby. Of course, he too wanted to flaunt Minmin that time but those times were complicated and he was afraid his son's identity would come out. Even until now knowing the Mo family's dark identity.

"Ah! Laotian, they look exactly like youuu~" Daniel said looking at the prominent brow shape, lips, and nose. Although it was a bit sad that the twins didn't look like they would inherit his features, he was still happy because they were his and Laotian's babies. And having such gorgeous babies, why would he complain. His husband's genes are just too strong.

"We can't be so sure, they're still infants," Laotian chuckled and said sitting next to Daniel so that he would see the other twin.

"Well, I'm almost a hundred percent sure since they look exactly like Minmin when he was a baby," Daniel said enthusiastically and softly pinched his sleeping baby's cheeks and nose. "But ahww, Laotian~ they're so cute. What do we name them?" Daniel said again and squealed excitedly. Of course, they already discussed the naming of the twins but they weren't sure yet at that time and now that the twins are out, it should be the right time to decide.

"What do you want to name them?" Laotian asked back. Since he already named Luangmin and Luangmie before, he thought it was only right for Daniel to choose the name of the twins this time.

Meanwhile, as the two converse, the nurses along with the people appointed to set the incubator, listened and they couldn't help but smile because just like what was written on magazines, newspapers, and websites, the Mo couple were indeed very affectionate with each other. People are now going crazy for this couple due to the birth of the twins after just two years of marriage. Of course, not only good and positive articles are written online. There are a lot of rumors and conspiracy about them, some say they were in a political marriage for the benefit of the family and company, others say that the two aren't really in love with each other, or that their constant public displays of affection were fake and staged. But seeing the couple now, they highly doubted that these sides of the rumors are true.

Both of them were holding their child and were just having a conversation but they could all feel the affection they had for each other. Taking a glimpse of them now, they could all understand why the people from the media would come to the point where they would camp outside just hoping they would catch a glimpse of the view they're seeing now.

"I was looking online for cute Chinese names. I was combining and all so I came up with the name Mo Chao Yu for the eldest, and Mo Ching Li for the youngest," Daniel said happily. There was no specific meaning for these names as far as he knew but he liked the ring of it and it was very suitable for twins in his opinion.

"Hmmm, I also like the sound of it," Laotian replied dotingly, making Daniel giggle.

"Right? Then let's name them Mo Chao Yu and Mo Ching Li," Daniel said and swayed the baby in his arms, and on cue, the twins' incubator finally finished setting. The nurse briefly instructed the two what are the basics and after that they were finally left alone with their baby. Since Daniel already had experienced back when he had Luangmin, he didn't have to undergo training on how to feed and wipe the baby. However unlike before when there was only Luangmin, during feeding time, the two will have to take turns. Thankfully this time around, Laotian wasn't too afraid to hold their baby, unlike the last time with Luangmin.

"Slowly baby, you're not going to run out of milk anytime soon," Daniel chuckled with baby Ching Li in his arms while feeding him first. Looking at how fast he was sucking on him, it was clear that his son was hungry. Well, that was reasonable since he was asleep for more than 5 hours, he couldn't help but feel bad for sleeping that long.

"Is he hurting you?" Laotian asked suddenly, looking at his hungry son feeding on his wife's breast.

"Nope, just a little ticklish though," Daniel replied. Although Omegas are highly fertile, the longest they can breastfeed their babies is only 4 months and in some cases 6 months due to them having small breasts and few milk glands that produce milk for the infant. This is why although Omegas are suitable breeders for Alphas due to their submissive genes, offspring of Omegas are difficult to nurture without proper assistance that is only attainable with high finances.

"But it'll hurt if they learn to chew," Daniel added and happily caressed baby Ching Li's head that only had a few strands of hair. Honestly, even until now he still can't believe he's a mother of three children but he didn't regret anything. There are many people out there who couldn't have babies of their own, and for him to have three, he was highly blessed.

"Tell me if they start to chew," Laotian said with a frown. He's happy that the twins are out but in the end, he still didn't like children. That didn't change. The love and hate relationship he had with his children will forever exist for as long as he couldn't get Daniel to himself.

"Laotian, they're babies," Daniel laughed and lightly slapped his husband's thighs. Sometimes he felt like this husband of his was jealous of their children in many trivial ways.

"I just want to know so when you're sore, I can help you treat it," Laotian countered softly.

"Are you sure? It sounded like you're going to fight if our son bites me," Daniel said, his eyes squinted towards the Alpha although he knew Laotian would never ever hurt their children. The Alpha may look rough but he's the nicest man he had ever met. No matter how much people say that he's a bad person and has done illegal deeds, his view towards his husband will never change. He was the man he loved and he was his savior. He was the person who had lifted him out of his dark world and into a life filled with love and happiness. If not for his children, he could safely say that would never trade him for anything in this world.

"That's just your imagination, Honey. I could never do that," Laotian cooed and swayed his son in his arms. For him, his wife may look delicate, but nothing had ever held more power against him aside from Daniel. If the Omega wished so, he could put his life in the line for him anytime and anywhere. That is how much he loved him that if Daniel was in the slightest bit upset with him, it would leave a bitter taste on his lips.

Hearing Laotian's remark, Daniel finally smiled and continued to feed his son and when he was done with Baby Ching Li sleeping peacefully sleeping in his arms, it was Chao Yu's turn to feed who did exactly like his younger brother and sucked on Daniel hungrily.

After the feeding time, Laotian carefully put the twins back in their incubator where they slept peacefully without a problem. This routine continued for more than two weeks where the elders and other members of the family would visit the couple in the hospital during the day along with Luangmin. There were also friends who came to visit and congratulate him including his old classmates, April, and even Joshua Bronson but by the evening they would all go back after visiting hours.

The people from the media slowly dissipated knowing that there was just no way the Mos would allow the public to feast on the future heirs of the household but there were still a few that remained. Unfortunately, even until the day when the couple was finally allowed to go home, there were no Daniel Mo, Mo Laotian, Mo Luangmin, or twins they could spot. That is because just like how they raised Luangmin, Daniel and Laotian decided that they will continue to live a happy peaceful life, away from the public and away from dangers their name could bring upon them.

That despite their prominent figure in society, they decided to continue to live as normal as possible. As long as they are complete and with each other's arms, they will remain happy and content away from the spotlight.