Chapter 4

The next morning. As usual, I was dragged out of the bed again by my brother.

I'm still not used to waking up this early in the morning.

For the last twenty years, I've been sleeping leisurely for the past decades. Half of the day was spent on sleeping.

While I was sitting on the table, leisurely eating my breakfast, I caught Mervin staring at me.

With the opportunity given, since he saw me studying last night. I thought I could convince him so that he won't get worried anymore.

"Brother, I'll study hard from now on."


A short reply was given even after I mustered myself to say something embarrassing, especially for someone who's over seventy years old already.

I then tried to read his mind, but nope, nevermind, I can't see through anything.

Despite that, I lived longer than my father and should have vast experience. I should at least have the ability to read expressions.

Unfortunately, In my past life, I never properly socialized with other people. I died being single and alone in my house.

If that counts, the only time I socialize with others or talk to others is during work.

Maybe I'm a loner without me realizing it? I mean, I do prefer being alone.

From what I can see, at the moment, Mervin's expression is giving a terrifying vibe as though he wants to devour me.

'I'm going to see whether you are really going to study properly today!'

More importantly, he's eating faster than his usual speed. In less than a minute, Mervin finished his big bowl of rice.


"This is your allowance."

After Mervin left the money on the table he quickly went to work.

'I wonder what Mervin does? I don't really have a memory of it.'

Anyway, I finished my breakfast, wore my uniform, packed up my things, and ran my way to school.

Not long later, I arrived at school and arrived in my classroom.

I have given a lot of thought about it yesterday. The first thing I should do is probably apologize to every person I have bullied. Especially toward Kervin.

There's also another reason for me to befriend him. It's so that he could help me with studying by being my studying partner.

In other words, befriending him to get a study partner is what I have in mind.

I'm currently waiting for an opportunity to approach Kervin but no matter what I can't find the opportunity to do so.

Seeing me staring at Kervin, Micheal was thinking that I was planning something devious.

"Um? Do you want to bully Kervin? I don't think it's a good idea, there are girls surrounding him at the moment, we should wait when school is over."

Micheal timidly advised me as he didn't want his friend to experience hellish pain for nothing.

"No… I'm not planning to bully him or anything."

Realizing that Andy isn't planning to do it he was then relieved.


The bell rang, signifying that the class will start soon, and the teacher is on their way now.

Most of the students went back to their seats but there's one annoying child that went outside as though he's a watchman.

He would wait at the corridor of the class until he caught a glimpse of the teacher's face. Only then he quickly went back in and returned to his seat.

I'm used to being one of them. Now that I looked at it, it looked very stupid to do such a thing.

The class starts normally.

It was quite boring because I have already studied the topic on my own.

The teacher repeats everything in the textbook anyway. So there's no different than reading the textbook on your own.

But even so, I didn't sleep. I was diligently writing the simplified version of what the teacher said in my notebook.

Seeing that I was writing on my notebook which is unusual, she thought that I was sketching instead of listening to her.

'I need to teach him a lesson or else he won't learn.'

To scold me, the teacher called up my name and asked me to explain what she explained.

"Andy, please come here and bring your notebook too."

"Can you please explain, how can you find the main idea of a paragraph?"

'Hmph if he really takes notes, he should be able to get it by simply reading his notebook. Since I did allow him to bring his notebook with him.'

Andy knew the teacher was planning to embarrass him in front of the class which is why he remained calm.

'I mean, I get it. I used to sleep in your class so you hated me but the thing is…'

'I didn't do any of those. I'm taking notes.'

Without a problem, I answered her questions perfectly without even looking at the notes in my hand.

For that, she even praised me unconsciously even though she was supposed to scold me.

Not willing to give up, she grabbed my notebook and opened it, only to find out that it was full of notes of what she had said.

"Miss Fitri, Can I return to my seat now?"

"Y-yes. You can return to your seat."

The class continues normally as though nothing happened but it's evident that it affected her. She felt guilty for doing what she did just now.

She was frantically trying to finish the topic quickly so she could leave the classroom as soon as possible.


[Teacher's Office]

Inside of the teacher's office, a teacher wore an interesting expression while holding a paper.

His colleague, The PE teacher, Imam, he saw and got curious.

"What's wrong?"

"Is it another ridiculous answer? Let me see it."

"N-No that's not it."

The person slid over to his colleague's side only to find out that someone scored a perfect score.

"Wow! Someone scored a perfect score on your test. Now, that's rare!" The person said sarcastically, pretending to be shocked.

Only when the PE teacher got a glance of the name of the student on the left corner. His jaw was dropped to the floor, leaving a dumbfounded face.

"W-what Andy?!? It's not Kervin who scored the perfect score? Is there other Andy that I don't know of?"

"Unfortunately, no. There's only one Andy in 1-B."

"How could that be?! He's the Andy that gives ridiculous and creative answers right? How did he score a hundred? Are you sure he didn't cheat?!"

"Do you think he could cheat on my watch?"

"Y-you're right."

His friend here, Ridwan, was nicknamed 'Devil' by the students due to his strict teaching method and scary face.

No one would dare to cheat with him around because everyone who tried to cheat didn't get away with some light punishments.

"Moreover, this is a math test. Simply knowing the answer still won't do as you have to show the steps."

"The point is that, even though he got the answer correct but the steps he used don't make sense, I wouldn't mark it as correct."

"...So you're sure that he did that test without cheating?"

"I have one easy solution to confirm it. I'll ask him to come to the office and do it in front of me."

Mr.Ridwan immediately stood up from his seat and headed over to the announcement office to make an announcement.


"Hey, Andy! Want to bully the 'lioness' again!"

Lioness? Somehow, that sounds familiar.

If Andy asked who is Lioness right now. The boy standing in front of him would look at him weirdly.

The nickname 'Lioness' was made by Andy for a girl which is his mortal enemy.

"N-no, I'm good. I have something to do. you should go and eat your lunch. I'll head over there later on."

Andy urged Micheal to go and eat first, pushing him over to the side as he tried to find an opportunity to apologize to Kervin.

"O-okay... I'll go first then. I'll see you later."

Micheal agreed with a sad expression on his face. He then went to the canteen on his own to eat his lunch without waiting for Andy

Right... now that he's alone, I should properly apologize to him.

Andy was about to approach Kervin but was stopped by the announcement.

"Andy Lee. Please come to the teacher's office."

"I repeat- Class 1-B, Andy Lee. Please come to the teacher's office and find Mr. Ridwan."

...What the?

Out of nowhere an announcement was made, calling Andy to head over to the teacher's office.

When Andy left the classroom, Kervin finally loosened up, he was relieved that he was saved by the announcement.

'Serves you right... you should get into trouble more!'


[Teacher's office]

"Good Morning Mr. Ridwan. How can I help you?"

"Good Morning. Sit down."

Mr. Ridwan offered me his seat and ordered me to sit down however with his stern expression if it were other kids I don't think they would dare to accept his kind intention.

"Say... How much do you think you scored on your math test?"

How much I scored on the test… so he's curious about this matter.

Should I say a hundred confidently or be humble and pretend that I don't know.


Saying I don't know will create more suspicion, I should just be honest with him.

"I believe that I answered everything correctly in the test. Was there a mistake that I didn't notice? If so, I apologize for that, I'll do better in the next test."

The lengthy and polite answer I gave made Mr.Ridwan frowns.

'What's with his lengthy answer? Since when did he become this polite?'

"Ehem, Don't worry about your test. There's no mistake at all and you have done very well on the test. I called you here to confirm something."

"As you know, you previously didn't do well in math tests. So I suspect that you cheat." Mr. Ridwan straight up said what was in his mind, which allows Andy to be straight-forward with him too.

When he heard the confident explanation from Andy of each question on the test. Mr Ridwan was then sure that Andy did the test on his own.

With the problem solved, he quickly dismissed Andy and allowed him to enjoy his break time.

As soon as Andy left, Mr.Ridwan sighed as calling over a student to just dismiss him instantly was not his style.


"Phew, he didn't suspect a thing about my handwriting. I was constantly praying that he didn't question my handwriting."

Andy was relieved that Mr.Ridwan didn't notice the change in his handwriting.

He couldn't just say that he changed his handwriting a few days ago. That wouldn't make sense. Anyway, it's a good thing that he didn't notice it.

The lunch break is probably almost over already. I should just meet up with Micheal as I told him that I'll be joining him later.

After I was released by Mr.Ridwan, I quickly went to the canteen to accompany Micheal.

As soon as I arrived at the canteen, Micheal waved his hand to call me over. He even reserved a seat for me.

"I heard that you're called by Mr.Ridwan. What did he do to you?"

"Hm... it's nothing. He just wanted to ask me a few questions."

"Really? The devil didn't do anything? That's weird..."

"By the way just now what you did is cool! Miss Fitri probably didn't expect you to answer her question. Even other students didn't expect you to answer them."

Hmm, it seems it did cause some impact just like what I wanted.

As usual, Micheal caught on quick. He noticed that Miss Fitri was shocked. Other kids probably wouldn't be able to notice the changes in her expression.

He's indeed a bright child but I don't know why he would follow a guy like me.

While I was sipping on the soy milk that I bought, Micheal stared at me too.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, the bell rang already. Are we going to ditch the class?"

Oh, really? I didn't hear it.

My thoughts were somewhere else. I was thinking about what I should do with Kervin. Whether I should give up on him or not.

Honestly, there's no way for both of us to be friendly with each other anymore.

After giving a second thought, I noticed that he's not the only one that could become my study partner. There are other smart kids that I could befriend other than him.

Micheal is only of the possible study partner.That is if I make him study. In fact, if that could come true, he would be the best choice available for now.

I firmly believe he could at least get the top ten in our class if he studies. The reason was because even without studying he's doing pretty well just by listening to what the teacher said during the class.

As soon as possible, I should try to fix his bad habits and personality.


The bell rang already?!!?

After the lunch break was math class! Meaning it was Mr.Ridwan's class!

"No! We're not ditching class. quick! We need to return to the class."

I don't mind getting punished by Mr.Ridwan, it was something that usually happened to me already but I will feel guilty if Micheal gets punished because of me.

He stayed behind waiting for me in the canteen despite knowing it's Mr.Ridwan's class.

We ran as fast as we could but unfortunately, Mr.Ridwan was already inside. We could hear everyone inside already greeting him.

Not wasting any time to worsen the situation, We greet Mr.Ridwan at the door.

"Good Morning, Mr.Ridwan!"

Both of us greeted in unison. We then stood there waiting for our punishment but unexpectedly, he said.

"Hurry and return to your seat."

Micheal didn't look surprised at all as he calmly returned to his seat but as for other students as well as me, everyone was shocked that we could return to our seat without any punishment.

Kervin was extremely disappointed that his mortal enemy wasn't punished.

'Is Mr.Ridwan in a good mood?'

The actual reason why Mr.Ridwan didn't punish Andy was that he knew he took away some of Andy's break time but mainly was because Andy has done perfectly well in his test which made him happy for him.

So for once, he won't say anything about Andy being late.

"I have marked your test. For the one that thinks that he has done poorly in the test, better be prepared."

"I'll start from the highest marks to the lowest."

"100 out of 100."

Kervin has already stood up from his seat before he heard his name get called out but upon hearing the name he was shocked.


The whole class went crazy when they heard Andy was the highest.

"Andy got a perfect mark?!"

"Did he cheat?!"

"A hundred in math are you serious? And it's Andy?!"


Hearing the loud commotion, Mr.Ridwan slammed the table, silencing the students from being noisy.

'Well, this is a normal reaction. I'm glad I wasn't the one that was shocked.'

Mr.Ridwan understood their feeling as he as the teacher was extremely shocked that Andy got a perfect score.

Kervin sheepishly went back to his seat. He was relieved that everyone didn't pay attention to him.

'How did this happen?!'

'Andy got a hundred in math?! He didn't even listen to the class! He sleeps the entire time!'

'There's no way he could cheat either. I trust Mr.Ridwan's eyes.'

While Kervin was dumbstruck, contemplating how Andy suddenly became smarter, Mr.Ridwan for the first time, praised Andy.

"Good Job. As usual, I prepared a 'gift' for the one who scored poorly and as well a gift for the one good in their test."

Yeah... the type of gift varies depending on the score.

Mr.Ridwan gave me a food coupon for scoring the highest. It's not necessary but you can redeem four free chicken wings at BFC as well as another coupon that gives a 30% discount.

It was his idea to reward those that do well in the test but as for the one that fails miserably in the test, he will also punish them thoroughly similar to a carrot and stick approach.

Seeing Andy receiving rewards from Mr.Ridwan, Kervin gritted his teeth with anger.

'Those are supposed to be mine!'

Kervin did ask Mr.Ridwan specifically to reward him with food coupons if he scored well in the test, but now it ended up in Andy's hand.

"Next, Kervin 96 out of 100."

"Good Job, just a slight mistake on number four, next time be more careful."

Kervin received a bag of snack. He definitely was dissatisfied with the reward he received. However, he didn't show it in his face.

'Next time, I swear I'll beat you!'