[Orc Subjugation]
-A teacher needs its body, so go kill one
(0/1 Orc)
[Note: As you are in a party, the CP will be fairly shared]
"And that's the mission" I said to them. We are teleported in a forest, it was different from the jungle before but this time the trees or the area was calm. Unlike the jungle's full of mud, gigantic grass and thick trees. This time it's a normal weather and a normal forest.
"So guys any ideas on how to kill an Orc?" I asked for their opinion to raise or create some plans for the group.
"Uh, a trap?" Kendra suggested.
"Bomb it?" Ken suggested.
"Kendra that was a smart plan, and Ken, buddy are you carrying a bomb?" I answered their opinions and was flabbergasted at Ken's suggestion.
"Nope" Ken answered. Is that so?, that's unfortunate then only thing is to fight it head-on or traps.
"Damn Ken if only you have a bomb" I unconsciously release a little of my thought and Ken heard it.
"But doesn't modern weapons not work inside a dungeon?" Ken asked.
"Is this a dungeon?" I answered his question with my question. Then he realized that this is not the dungeon and any modern weapon will work but unfortunately once the academy knows it, instant kick for you.
"I was just joking" I smiled at Ken and looked on to Kendra.
"So a trap huh?" I said her suggestion.
"But I can't think of a trap" Kendra said.
"Yeah me too, I can't think of a trap and besides that we're unarmed" Ken said.
"Uhm I think we should quit the mission?" Ken suggested.
"Hm? is that so then how?" I don't know what they are thinking but I think it's a smart choice for us to quit. I admit that I'm not sure if I can take down an Orc but if we three cooperate then I'm sure we can take down an Orc, well if they want to.
"Well if you say, I Luke quit the mission then you will be teleported back to the Mission Hall. But there is a penalty and the penalty is a deduction of CPs" Kendra said and paused for a second before continuing.
"But the amount of deduction is the amount of reward a mission had" Okay great so our CPs will reach the negatives and I don't wanna know the punishment for that.
"Nope we're not doing it" Luke said raising his arms in an X.
"Sorry guys, I forced you two here and I didn't think of your feelings" I apologize as I realized that they don't want to do this.
"No, it's okay it's just umm. Actually, we have something to say to you" Ken slowly said to me. Ok make it quick guys, any moment now maybe a big green beast will appear. Luke nodded to show that he was willing to listen.
"We're not actually weak" Ken said while Kendra was behind him.
"But as we know that you have no ability we were hesitating to say it" Kendra said while Ken added more.
"At first we want to show it to you and then you will realize we're actually a little strong but you were our first friend and you may get hurt to know that way and so we want to tell you that" These guys are really good-natured, hearing their words made my lips smiled warmly at them.
"Don't you worry, I'm stronger than you think and I will get stronger to catch up to you two. And besides that, if we three cooperate then I'm sure we can take down one Orc" I said reassuring their good hearts.
"Then let's hunt an Orc" Kendra cheerfully walk a few meters away from us and she summoned a giant bird out of nowhere. The bird was made out of ice and was the size of a school bus. Luke was shocked by the bird's size and the twins were laughing because of his reaction. They then got aboard the bird's back, after that the bird began to flap its wings and they were flying above the trees.
"When you said icebird, I thought it was a small bird" I said a joke for the mood to lighten and the two laughed and were now a little intimate with me.
"Hehe mine's not small too" Ken proudly said.
"I'm into girls sorry" I look at Ken with disgust while I winked at Kendra.
"That's not what I meant!" Ken shouted. Kendra and I were laughing at him. As I mocked his sexuality he mocked me of my none ability and we were both in a fight.
We were back and forth mocking each other and Kendra was just laughing at the side. After the fight, we were both tired as I look to the marshmallow clouds at the high blue sky, perfect weather for a picnic.
"I have a question, why are you both in the low tier and the lowest of it" I asked suspecting my suspicions.
"Well it was an order from our distant older sister" Ken said while Kendra was nodding.
"She said that we will be in danger if everyone will discover that we are her siblings, she said that we should lay low and we should graduate as low tiers" Kendra said while holding Ken's arm. I see being a sibling of a high tier is tough too.
"But why didn't she just protect you two and plus to that is the higher your tier is, no one will mess with you"
"Well family stuff" The atmosphere was getting awkward and the silence was killing me.
"Ok, so who is this caring older sister of yours?" I asked with a smile as I want to know who is this caring sister of them. By the situation, I figured that she's a high tier.
"She's...ah.." Kendra was hesitating to say it but Ken was the one who continued it.
"It's okay Luke's a good guy" Ken reassured Kendra first and said the name.
"Her name is Alexandria, Rank-" I interrupted Ken and continued his words.
"Alexandria! that Rank 12?" I said as I remember a certain ice princess. Wow-what a coincidence, so what's next? I'm meeting their parents or cousins?
"Oh, you know?" Ken said with a smile.
"No, I met her" I said with a blank face, 'and she rejected me'.
"Huh? where?" Kendra asked with her eyes shining.
"In the gym, Wait you didn't see her?"
"We haven't met her as we just recently knew that she was our sister" Kendra said. I see I think some of these days I will be caught in a drama.
"Wait we may have found an Orc" Ken said while looking at the ground. From inside the forest, because of it's green skin you can't see easily a green humanoid but thanks to its armor and weapon we can spot him easily.
"Luke, prepare to watch my Icesnake" Ken said like a child who wants to show something but he said another thing that can be misunderstood.
"Dude I'm telling you, I'll rather look at your sister's rather than yours" I said with the biggest grin I can muster. While Kendra was blushing and Ken was angrily looking at me. I know my words were disgusting but his face was all worth it
"Don't flirt with my sister while I'm here! Now go Ice Snake!" From his arms, veins of ice were coming out of his arms and were unleashing the coldness into the air in front of him. Then after a minute of waiting, a gigantic snake made from attaching a million veins of ice fell to the forest. The snake didn't shatter when it fell on to the ground and because of the impact, the snake stops before beginning to slither its way on to the Orc.
"Wait we need its body" I remembered that snake doesn't kill their prey but swallows them. Then I jump from the back of the bird and into the Orc. I landed myself from a nearby tree and safely standing at its branch.
"Ken!, order it to disarm the Orc!" I shouted to the bird where Ken was. After that, I heard an "Ok" from Ken and the snake swallows the Orc's weapon. The Orc was surprised as he tackles the snake.
"Ken!, I need its weapon!" I shouted another order to Ken and the snake that's being tackled looked at my direction. It spat the axe to the tree where I was, the axe was spinning at great speed and then *Tack* it was embedded in the tree.
I jump from the branch and on to the axe to grab it, I grab the weapon and I charged to the Orc. the Orc was busy fighting the snake and I ran on to the snake's back to reach his height and when I was at the top of the snake's head.
The Orc saw me but was too late to stop my swing. My swing came from below and with a powerful swing I cut his head in half