Chapter 6: Punishment

"So he walked up and placed the darts in the board not throw them?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"This will call for punishment, do your scientist still have the R-28?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Good, well I hope your people know what to do but I'm curious will he survive the 45-89 injection?"

"Ma'am, at his age he won't survive, even if he did he wouldn't be able to walk or speak, he'll be just be dead weight!"

"Your job is to not question, it's to experiment, if you fall out of line you'll be getting the 45-89 injection! Do you understand me, if so then do it!"

"Yes, ma'am"

The woman stared out side of the window 'if he's able to think of that at the age of ten then we might be closer than we thought, but if we fail, then it's my ass on the line.'

John at his room felt a shiver on his entire body but before he could think of why he got a shiver the knock out gas filled the room.

"Do you have the injection?"


"Scissors, saw, knife, and chains"

"Check, check, check, and check"

"Good, heart beat at 85 normal, vitals normal, breathing is normal we're green"

When John came to he was on a table that had blood stains on it and blood on the ceiling and walls all dried up, he saw two male men in blue aprons and had a white coat on under it and also had masks. John tried to move but couldn't, he tried to look around only to find two movable tables on both side of him, on the left was a saw and scissors on the right was a knife and what looked like a shot that you get when you go and get a flu shot but the liquid in it was green.

"He's up, quickly help me get the chains on him!"

"Oh sh*t I wasn't paying attention"

The men got the chains on his ankles, wrists, and neck, at this point John started to see a pattern now.

"Alright lets get started!"

"Heartbeat at 100, breathing spread up, and vitals increased but all that's normal"


"Here ya go"

One of the men handed the other man a saw that had blood covered all over it, it also looked liked it was rusting. The man then put the saw near John's gut, then an agony John never experienced before started the man was cutting into John's gut. John wanted to scream but couldn't because there was a metal bar placed in his mouth, only tear's started to form and the squirming happened. After a while of numbing pain one of the men handed the other a knife and he went for the same spot again except this time John felt no pain as the man dogged through his insides, a hour passed of him just ripping John apart from the insides.

"How's he doing?"

"Heartbeat 145, vitals red, breathing slowed"

"He might live"

"If so then we have a major breakthrough!"

"Yeah, yeah let's get the injection done"

The man then picked up a shot then placed it right on John's heart which then the pain came back as a sudden bolt, as the liquid poured into his heart which then spread the liquid all through John's body making him feel all of the pain his body ignored for an hour into one single minute.

"His body's reacting positively! We've done something miraculous!"

"Heartbeat 160, vitals yellow?, breathing rapid"

"His body's healing rapidly right in front of us!"

While John's head was filled with pain his body started to heal right before their eyes undoing what they've done for a hour, but John as already passed out. Unknown to John on the left side of the wall was a one way window where the scientists where overlooking the experimentation's where baffled, what was once thought impossible was now impossible but one of the questions that was in their head was 'what made him different from the rest?'