Chapter 8

Aura was planning to tell his situation only to the higher ups of FI, as they were famous for giving zero fucks about anything they didn't think was interesting or fun. They were also famous for being open minded, and from what he knew, they wouldn't really care that he knew about the future.

Becoming a member of FI was the best way to make tons of money fast, they paid really well and gave extraordinary benefits all in the name of attracting the worlds best, brightest, and most capable.

The head of FI, the mysterious Wanderer, was a supergenius who started the whole business from nothing, rumours say that Wanderer was actually homeless before starting the company and that was why FI was so focused on helping the common people.


At this moment, in a beautifully decorated office, a young woman, twenty five at the oldest estimate, was discussing with her secretary about an anomaly that they had discovered.

"You're saying he entered the game with this ridiculous status? And that after entering he found one of the 'lucky boxes', grabbed an appraisal skill book, created a personal skill, cleared a forest of horned rabbits, then cleared another forest of spiders and crafting materials? All done in just two in game weeks? This report is ridiculous and you know it Charlie!"

"But ma'am, we've triple checked the inf-"

The woman looked at her secretary, Charlie, like she was crazy and shouted,

"What the hell are you talking about! It's a ridiculous story but I trust you, plus, I figured something like this might happen."

"You did?"

Now Charlie was confused, this kind of ridiculous report was expected?

"You know what I'm like Charlie, there's a 90% chance that at some point in the future I got bored and decided to troll myself. I probably sent some interesting person's mind back in time just to provoke this sort of nonsense."

"You'd send someone's mind back in time? As a prank?"

"Of course! Why else would you invent time travel?"

The woman was, of course, the owner of the world's fastest growing company, the supergenius known to the world as Wanderer.

The office was, of course, a joke, as was this whole conversation, because the secretary knew her boss far too well to be confused by her antics, and the boss would never have missed such an interesting event at the beginning of her own game.

They were really talking inside Charlie's virtual lounge, and they had set up that farce because Wanderer thought it would be fun.

It was for a bit, but in her eyes, Charlie was simply too adorable for her to yell at.

Some information that most will never know: Wanderer and her 'Secretary' Charlie have been sexually engaged since long before they started the company, they are actually both supergeniuses, with Wanderer being more suited for inventing and Charlie more for business, neither Wanderer nor Charlie actually cares how well the company is doing, they're only running it because forty years ago, Wanderer said that it would be fun to conquer the world, and finally, Immortality was invented in 1834 by Wanderer, who then used it, as well as her terrifying intellect, to travel the world until 1936 before finding Charlie on the streets of Germany.

Charlie had been thrown out of her home due to her intelligence, which made it seem like she was mocking her family at every possible occasion (which she was actually doing).

After meeting Charlie (which is the name Wanderer gave her, not her birth name), Wanderer left Germany in a hurry, as it seemed like the place would fall apart pretty soon, taking Charlie with her to America. After they reached the United States, they went pretty much straight for California, using Wanderer's skills and money to get there in just a few weeks.

Wanderer found out in the next few years that she had picked up someone who could actually understand what she said, and also someone with a frightening talent for moneymaking.

By the 1980s, Wanderer and Charlie had made enough money to live for a thousand years in comfort, but true to her personality Wanderer instead used it to fund her researches, creating highly advanced technology that would be mainstream for a solid century at least by 1996, at which point Wanderer and Charlie had a heated discussion about their future.

It was at this point that Wanderer offhandedly said 'It seems like it would be fun to conquer the world,' sparking four years of brainstorming and finally, the birth of Forgotten Industries.