Chapter 15

Aura left Fiona on her bed, with a pair of crutches nearby.

She couldn't use them for now, but if she tried really hard, she might be able to walk around the base.

Aura then headed up to the surface and then over to the piano.

He played a soft melody for a few minutes before a portal opened, which he stepped through, only to find that he'd gotten a bit closer to the thunder dragon than he had planned.

It was about a hundred yards away, and it had almost certainly noticed his portal, especially in such a rocky area with no cover.

Aura swiftly pulled out Dawn's Fury and began to sprint towards the dragon, keeping in mind that it would probably start with dragon breath.

Sure enough, the dragon gave a sharp inhale before spitting out a wall of force.

Aura quickly cast a simple barrier spell and overloaded it with energy, which would give it far more strength at the cost of its duration. He also angled the barrier, so that it wouldn't take a direct hit.


A sound like thunder rolled across the clearing, smashing into Aura's ears and disorienting him. His barrier had only barely survived the blast, and definitely couldn't take another hit.

Aura dispelled the barrier and resumed his charge, using the dragon's weakened state to his advantage, since there was no way a dragon that beat up could use its breath twice in a row.

Aura readied Dawn's Fury and a jump spell, preparing to jump onto the dragon's back.

With a blade as short as Dawn's Fury, the only way to bring down such a large creature is to sever its spine.

As the dragon brought down its claws at Aura, he released his spell and jumped straight past the dragon's attacks, landing between its wings, and charging straight for its neck.

Aura made sure to dodge the tail attacks before slipping his blade between the neck scales and giving a quick slice across the spine, before releasing yet another jump spell and using a monk technique, Sky Steps, to double jump out of the dragon's reach.

After waiting a bit for the dragon to die, Aura stored its corpse in the Item Box and began to run towards the Shadow Lake.

Aura had gotten really lucky with the battle's results, he hadn't taken a single hit, and Dawn's Fury had gotten a devastating upgrade.


Dawn's Fury

Durability 6/10

A dagger forged of a crystalline orichalcum alloy and quenched in the tears of the god of dawn. Despite how it looks this dagger is basically indestructible and works as a nice flashlight. After more than thirty-thousand years in disuse, the runes on this blade have become slightly damaged, until a master blacksmith repairs it, you will be unable to access this blade's skills, excepting its origin function.

Skill 1 - Broken

Skill 2 - Broken

Skill 3 - Broken

Origin Function - This blade is made from crystalline orichalcum, and thus retains the elements it takes in.

Current Elements

Divine - Deals double damage to corrupted enemies

Dawn - Shines with light when infused with life energy

Thunder - Can extend the blade using dragon energy

Dragon - Allows its user to channel dragon force


Dragon force wasn't something amazing like it was in books, but it was still something worth cheering about.

Dragon force was a force unique to dragons, as the name suggests, and is almost exclusively for the use of body strengthening.

A dragon without dragon energy is a block of meat with a thick skin, it can't even move.

Any humanoid capable of wielding dragon force can be considered to be about thirty levels higher in strength than they seem.

This was the main reason Aura hunted the dragon, to give Fiona the capability to use dragon force, which would allow her body to withstand all the things he planned to do to it.

The dragon eye would allow her to see her own dragon force, allowing her to cast dragon spells, which were very refined versions of ordinary spells from all four force alignments.

The other dragon eye would be used in another project, so Fiona would be missing an eye until Aura could get around to it.