Chapter 36

The base network had taken two years to set up.

During that time Aura had used his foreknowledge to the fullest, and become a well renowned merchant.

FI had accepted and released his film, and it was a smashing success.

Aura had made a request to the Godhunters, and his application had been approved.

The corpse of one music god would be arriving at the doorstep of one of Aura's better hidden bases.

Aura's material stockpile had diminished greatly, but was still overflowing with high quality mats.

Aura had continued with his heisting, and had started to earn himself a name as a ghostly thief who only stole from government facilites.

Aura had missed his brother's funeral, but sent a well-worded letter informing the girlfriend and his father that they can go shove their grievances up their ass.

Fiona had gotten the hang of casting and was steadily gaining levels.

He had also done a fair bit of grinding, and had made some serious progress.

Level 90 to be exact.

Obviously reaching level 90 so quickly since the game began was a bit freakish, but knowledge and experience made level gaining so easy it was boring.

Only ten more levels until Aura could undergo class advancement, going from classless to classless, netting himself a sum total of zero bonuses.

Fiona had reached level 87 and would be catching up soon, and unlike him, she would actually get a reward for passing level 100.

The shapeshifter class wasn't a caster class.

It was a close quarters combat class that allowed its user to freely manipulate their own flesh.

It is an extremely powerful class, but also one that few are willing to acquire.

Taking the shapeshifter class would more or less remove one's humanity.

Given Fiona's health situation though, it would be a bit of a struggle to master the class.

Her leg and eye were not considered a part of her body, and thus would not be shifted along with it.

The leg could easily be calibrated to shift in such a way given that it was mostly made of wood and a very flexible metal.

But the eye would need a lot more delicate work.

But the eye also didn't need work.

If Fiona wanted to shapeshift her eyes, then it would need to be adjusted, but why would she need to do such a thing.

She could see through the dark, as well as illusions and she could see spirits and force currents.

There isn't a creature with eyesight better than hers.

Her organs would be fine, since becoming a shapeshifter would give her natural regenerative properties, which would allow her to regrow the organs currently being substituted by clone fruit.

It would simply take a few weeks after obtaining the class to actually test it out.

Unfortunately, shapeshifters can't copy the magical aspects of the creatures whose forms they take.

A demon shapeshifter will always be a demon, even if they are in the body of an elf.

Only higher class advancements would be able to do something like that.

Shapeshifters are one of three known classes that gains a natural regeneration skill, and thus are one of the few classes that does not need to fear losing a limb or two.

Regeneration consumes nutrients, of course, so shapeshifters need to eat a great deal more than ordinary folks.

The shapeshifter class also doesn't gain an acting skill, so characters have to learn how to play their roles on their own.

Fiona would need some acting classes, and not basic ones.

Aura had no skill at acting and most certainly didn't understand people.

But slaves can solve every problem, so long as you know what you're looking for.

After the base network was set up, things started to feel a little empty, thus Aura was planning to use Fiona's class advancement as a perfect excuse to find someone useful.

Fortunately, Aura was now a well-renowned merchant who owned facilities in most major cites despite working alone.

Him purchasing a new slave wouldn't seem odd, and most wouldn't criticise purchasing a slave with superior acting skills

He was a merchant after all, and acting was a huge portion of the job, as was etiquette and all sorts of other important nonsense.

A slave skilled in acting and deceit was perfect for a young merchant who has stellar foresight but works alone.

Why would anyone question this obviously amazing choice.