Chapter 38

Aura was off to purchase a new slave.

The requirements were fairly simple:

1. Female

2. Moderately Attractive

3. Illegal, war, or voluntary slave (slave for life)

4. Damaged but not ill

5. Sublime acting skills

Those are what Aura currently needed, in order of relevance, and no, these were not just his personal tastes.

As far as he was aware, there was no special slave available this time, not like Fiona.

Thus, an interesting slave wouldn't just fall into his lap this time, he'd actually have to put in some effort to find one.

Sadly, Aura didn't have access to a high level advanced druid, which means he couldn't get a guidance spell to find whatever he was looking for, so he'd have to look the old fashioned way.

Searching the online market.

The marketplace was where you could search for and purchase any kind of item, and the system considered slaves items.

Of course, nobody actually purchased slaves through the market, since it was almost impossible to tell what you're getting based off a single photo and a brief description.

There was a rather famous scam during Ascendance's earlier years where people would sell corpses with the slave tag.

The market was completely unregulated, excepting minor guidelines from the system, so scams like these were to be expected.

The online marketplace was perfect, though, for seeing what is in stock at your local slave dealership.

Each seller is allowed to have a webpage of sorts, listing all their products in a fully customizable layout.

High class slave dealerships often have a search function on their page, so Aura simply loaded them up and did a quick search for exotic female slaves with acting skills.

Lo and behold, a beautiful ten thousand results.

Add in the remaining few conditions, and Aura recieved a total of three results.

Laura - 173 y/o vampire

Laura was hiding in humanoid society, seducing noblemen as a cover, then throwing debauched parties and discreetely draining a few intoxicated partygoers. She was caught after draining a marquess dry.

Ilea - 23 y/o elf

Captured during a minor conflict on the borders of the Forest of the Spirits, she is an expert at illusion spells and likely would have escaped her fate had she not lost her arms to a stray explosion spell.

Orane - 18 y/o human

A human from the nomadic tribes that travel the eternal hurricane above the Isles of Mist. She survived the storms mostly intact, but found herself washed ashore due to unknown reasons. She decieved her way to the capital before being caught by a group of thugs and sold.

And what an interesting trio it was indeed.

A partying vampire, an illusionist elf and a nomad from the Isles of Mist.

Vampires were human monsters, those who, without proper preparations channelled too much void force, and then survived.

Illusionists were highly prized mages, who studied light and its manipulation for decades.

The Isles of Mist were the most fascinating place in the first realm.

They were a series of islands covered by an eternal hurricane, and the only people insane enough to travel that area of ocean were the nomads who lived there.

Aura had been told once that it was a very refreshing lifestyle.

Vampires were hedonistic, illusionists were arrogant assholes, and the mist nomads were insane and craving a painful death.

Aura knocked the illusionist off the list first, because an arrogant elf is about as vanilla as it gets.

It was questionable how she even got on the exotics list in the first place.

Vampires were totally Aura's style, but that would mean giving up on knowledge of the Isles of Mist.

Which Aura, regrettably had to admit wasn't all that important when it comes to functionality.

The bloodsucking bitch was going to be his.

Of course, he'd have to go buy her first, which may prove to be troublesome.

The market page didn't list the slave's injuries in their bio, unless it had to do with how they became slaves, it only showed that they had the 'damaged goods' tag.

Laura, Aura's next slave, suffered from an unknown amount of damage, and not just psychological due to the name similarities.

Aura was purchasing an item in need of serious repairs, and he would now need to ascertain the extent to which the damage went.