Chapter 43

Forgotten Industries's sense of scale was simply ludicrous.

Their debut game is a worldwide dmmorpg played by billions of people, so that should be fairly obvious though.

This manifests itself in the funniest of ways, like the fact that 'surveillance' on a single individual is a project undertaken by ten thousand employees.

A whole building had been dedicated to the surveillance of Aura.

And a great many of these employees had suddenly begun to ask for transfers.

Wanderer, who's been swamped by work for the last half year (two years in game), was more than a little curious as to what would cause these people to be so desperate to leave.

And after a quick recap of the recent events perpetrated by Aura, she understood.

And was delighted.

Here was a truly unpredictable man, who would destroy a city for no discernable reason other than his own satisfaction.

Watching him was entertaining to say the least.

She'd already hunted down his domain card, and it was hilarious.

It fit him to a T.

His unpredictability, intelligence, and varied experience in all sorts of tasks was what made him so entertaining.

And his domain would make it even greater.

In all likelihood though, he would never try to master his domain.

It was questionable whether 'mastering' it was even possible.

Wanderer didn't really know what Aura planned to do but she did know that he would almost certainly speed things up exponentially.

His presence alone had already accelerated the plan twenty years into the future, and who knew what he could do in the long run.

And the surveillance team they'd attached to the man had just seen the merciless massacre of an entire large city for pretty much no reason.

Why would those actively tasked with surveilling him be spared his wrath?

All it took to settle things though was a brief explanation that the subject in question knew damn well he was being watched.

The note he'd attached to the film he submitted made that pretty clear.

Speaking of the film, it had been very successful, and was still raking in a decent amount of dough for Aura.

Wanderer had even taken the liberty of watching the movie with her lover over a bowl of popcorn.

Forgotten Industries had creative license over the content of the film, so they'd added in some original footage to flesh it out, but it was still phenominal given that not a single word is spoken the whole way through.

Unfortunately, due to Aura's continued activity, Wanderer would likely continue to be busy for a long time to come, especially given FI's numerous upcoming projects.

This time they were going to be doing some 'philanthropic works' by removing large swathes of pollution, like the pacific garbage patch.

Of course, they weren't actually interested in saving the world or the environment, but if the game succeeded, they would need pollution like that out of the way.

It would interfere with the aesthetic that Wanderer was working so damn hard to achieve.

So over the next few years, Forgotten Industries would be working on clearing out landfills and pollution sites, closing oil drilling sites and coal mines, all for the sake of their plans.

Oil and coal had already been rendered irrelivant due to FI's continued work in the renewable energy market, but for sone reason they just wouldn't die.

They were like cockroaches.

No matter how hard FI tried to stamp them out, they just kept operating.

But this time, Wanderer wouldn't stand back and let them recover.

This time there would be nothing left of those fools to recover from.

Forgotten Industries had been lenient in the past, but it was time to be ruthless.

They were going to sweep the market clean of those pests and finally begin work on the next phase.

The world was going to change soon, and when that happened FI was going to make sure the transition went smoothly.

No pollution or pollutants, a bountiful forest clean of human taint, mountains and plains and more all without those horrible roads covering them.

People would be able to see the stars again.

Many would suffer, but the beauty of such a world spoke for itself.