Chapter 45

Giving it a second thought, Aura realised that this would be a great opportunity to claim the land of a whole country for himself.

Country borders are what they are due to the existence of the kingdom core that is located somewhere in the country, likely near the capital city.

The kingdom core allows its owner to slightly change anything within the borders of said country, as determined by the system.

Kings have trouble lying about trading land in Ascendance, thus in deals between countries, land is the best collateral.

Kingdom cores are created when a country is founded, and grow as the country prospers.

They draw in force from the surroundings and use that force to maintain the land it is supposedly attached to.

The main reason Aura coveted the country is due to this core.

His idea for a necklace that controls reality itself would need a kingdom core.

The core in question could make small changes to large areas in great detail, while dungeon cores could make great changes in moderate detail in a range that varies depending on the force used.

Rainbow cores could control light in an area dependant on how much force was channeled through them.

With a few more cores, Aura would be able to construct an artifact that gave complete control over a territory and everything in it.

However, none of these cores would be easy to get.

He had a dungeon core and a rainbow core, but to complete this artifact he would need:

A kingdom core.

An annihalation core.

An elemental core of the air, fire, water, and earth attributes.

A seasonal core of all four seasons.

And some sort of battery to power them all.

As well as a few other things he probably didn't even know about.

He'd definitely need something darkness attributed to balance the whole thing out, but those were the main components.

Meanwhile, he would need some more time to finish repairing the Dawn's Fury, even though he had all the ingredients.

There was also the matter of getting Laura settled in, as well as ensuring that she didn't try anythung stupid.

She may be a slave, but intentionally misinterpreting orders was still possible, so caution must be taken.

And Aura still hadn't had the chance to ask her about her class.


When Laura woke up, she thought she was in a dream.

Her limbs had been restored, she could see, though only out of one eye, and her body felt light.

She had teeth again, and the poison those fools had stuck to her was gone.

'It must be a dream.'

Then a young demoness walked in the room.

The girl had large bat wings, two mismatched eyes and long black hair.

She was not a spectacular beauty, but she was no plain Jane either.

Laura found herself slightly intimidated by this demon girl, it seemed as though that rainbow eye could see straight through her.

Suddenly the demon girl spoke,

"Oh good, you're awake. Master said you'd likely be conscious today, but it has been two months since he brought you back."

Laura was even more confused now.

'Two months since he brought me back? Where am I and who is 'Master'?

The demon girl interrupted her thoughts once again,

"Master will be back in a few days. He said he had business elsewhere so I should help you adjust when you woke."

Laura hadjust begun to realise a few things, the first being that this was not a dream, and the second being that her limbs and eyes were prosthetics.

Vampires can sense the blood flowing within their body, so when no blood flows through an arm they can control...

It was fairly obvious that Laura wouldn't be able to regenerate her limbs ever again.

But at least she could move again.

She would have to find a way to get her slave's mark removed before she could be truly free though.

Deciding that information gathering would be a necessity, she spoke,

"Who is this 'Master', and where am I?"

"Master is not easy to describe, so I think it would be best to figure it out for yourself, and as for where you are, I haven't the foggiest. Master set up a large network of bases and connected them all via teleportation routes. Since they all look alike, I don't know where we are."