Chapter 52

As Aura crept up the stairs, he paid strict attention to his ears and nose, both of which had been drastically enhanced due to his obviously overkill preparations.

At this point in the game, where players had yet to reach the first class advancement, twelve stealth spells from all four forces as well as some combo spells, eight sense enhancement spells, and several dozen enchanted items, scrolls and potions, was beyond overkill.

It was a massive fucking waste of resources.

But the reason Aura bothered is because he wanted to test this particular combination of abilities to see whether any of the components would clash with each other.

His goal was to hopefully be able to combine the spells and items into one systematic 'skill', which is the goal of most advanced enchanters and spellcasters.

In Ascendance, it is possible to permanently attach spells directly to items, and it is possible to enchant items with effects that cannot be accomplished by spells.

By combining these two principles it is possible to make an item with the permanent effects of multiple spells and enchantments, but the difficulty of this technique is no laughing matter.

Even Aura with his centuries of experience and mastery of crafting was nowhere near the level where he could reliably put this concept into practice, but the benefits of succeeding with this particular combination would be perfect for his future plans.

This combination allowed him to walk unhindered through a crowd, with not a single person aware of his presence.

Of course, both Laura and Fiona could see straight through all the illusions and stealth spells with their eyes of truth, but they weren't immune to the effects of the other spells, meaning that they'd lose track of him the moment they turned to look any other direction.

His spellwork was impeccable as usual, and nobody noticed as he picked the locks on the private rooms of the upper echelons of Heart's Light, snuck in and injected the sleeping members with something that would keep them out until his work was done.

Neither did anybody notice when he snuck into the guild master's hall and slowly but surely cast a dozen spells to knock the forty or so people there into a deep slumber from which their freedom will never return.

By the way, Aura was currently listening to a rather impressive selection of Simon and Garfunkel's best hits, because what music is better for sneaking in than a song that literally has silence in the name?

Aura was also currently improvising a plan to get all the higher ups of his nemesis guild out of the building and back to his base, since there were about 60 people and you can't put living creatures in the item box.

His final solution was pretty much just using magic to lighten their bodies after tying them together and just dragging the whole damn thing back.

Not like any of the people being dragged were in a state to argue.

Plus they soon wouldn't ever be in a state to argue.

This was a personal grudge held for nearly four centuries, none of Aura's new prisoners were going to get off easily.

Since there was a possibility that the newly created avatars of his victims would regroup and retaliate, Aura thoroughly looted the base, including taking all the useful parts from the corpses, then burned what was left into ash.

Even without a written threat, the carnage should be more than enough to convince Heart's Light that maybe they should be more prudent in the future.


FoxxyMittens, the guild master of Heart's Light, awoke to find himself chained to a wall in a dark room with no windows and no visible door.

It was very cold in this pitch black room, and Foxxy had no clothing or memory of how he got here, nor could he ask questions or scream for help due to the uncomfortable gag.

As his mind cleared, the room began to be filled with a small ambient light coming from an unknown source, and he noticed a rectangular entryway that most certainly wasn't there before.

The light continued to brighten, and he still couldn't tell where it was coming from, it just seemed to be omnipresent.

Suddenly a figure was standing in the entryway, completely covered in deep black clothing and wearing a mask in the shape of a cartoon cat's smiling face.

The mask was the most immediately noticeable thing about this character, since it was so vibrantly silver that one could easily tell that it was not made of silver at all, but some form of advanced metal.

Foxxy then began to hear the sound of wheels on stone, when a similarly garbed figure, this one wearing a radiantly copper colored mask in the shape of a mouse entered the room pushing a cart.

The figure in the mouse placed a leather pouch on the cart and rolled it out.

Seeing the tools contained within the pouch, Foxxy shit himself and began to try and scream around the gag, tears beginning to leak down his face.