Chapter 59

To Aura, three months was not a significant period of time, however if one were to look at everything he had accomplished during this short interval they could determine that this was too much time to give such a freak.

He had, during just three months, carried out more than a dozen attacks against both the Firen Kingdom and the Toffler Republic bringing them both to a state of chaos.

His crime value had risen significantly since he had not been hired by either country at the time, but it had yet to reach any sort of dangerous level.

Killing monsters would reduce a player's crime level by a small amount, so he could just hunt to offset this.

He had also crafted numerous items and sold them, netting him a great deal of profit, especially given the upcoming war, weapons and armor had increased in price by several times over.

Less than a week before his self imposed deadline, he had been approached by an official from the Firen Kingdom asking for his services during the war.

Since he had been officially hired as a mercenary, he was no longer at risk of punishment for his crimes, so it was time to begin the operation.

That said, this wasn't going to be some flashy event where a player runs in and massacres everyone with his amazing blade skills.

This was, first and foremost an anonymous mission, designed to reveal no trace of his involvement.

Not to mention that it was also a wait and see operation, that wouldn't attract any attention whatsoever.

All the steps of the mission had already been completed except dropping some corpses down some holes.

Aura sent the word out.

And the mission was complete.

'What amazing buildup to a horribly anticlimactic ending...'

Was what all involved parties thought of this majestic plan.


A week later, the Toffler Republic was in chaos.

All around the country, people had been dropping like flies, with no warning and no signs.

At first it was thought to be a plague, so the country had dispatched disease specialists to handle spread, but no spells against infection worked.

After a bit of trial and error, it had been discovered to be a poison that had thoroughly contaminated the country's groundwater.

The poison was easy to deal with, but it was so widespread that a proper response would cost millions of gold.

And the nobles weren't particularly affected, so who cared enough to spend that money?

Nobody, that's who.

The three dukes had been in constant meetings for a month, but due to disagreements, nothing in particular had been decided.

Now with this poison spreading rapidly, the chancellor had thought this was a chance to find common ground, but his plans had been rejected and the three parties had gone into debate, with the end result being a wait and see approach.

Meanwhile millions were dying.

The commoners were beginning to panic, which meant that they were beginning to riot.

So much could be solved with just a few words and a touch of the kingdom core, but instead, nothing was done.

While things were worsening at a rapid pace, Firen began to attack, pushing the poisoned citizens even further into despair.

And this was about the time that Aura was going around from village to village pillaging and plundering, killing all those who resisted.

He had already reached level 2,000 and was still rising.

The Republic's army was dying out even quicker than the civilians thanks to all the mercenaries hunting them for the bounty Firen placed on the soldier's heads.

Meanwhile Aura was profiting like you wouldn't believe.

Due to his ever increasing level, it only got easier to slaughter everyone he came across and steal every item of value in the cities he raided.

Of course, just having levels doesn't make someone overwhelmingly powerful, skills and abilities are just important, but Aura had already played Ascendance for a hundred years.

He already knew all the skills he would ever needed, and his abilities were just as phenomenal.

That said, his abilities were still nowhere close to par for his level.

He'd never gotten information on what abilities could be learned after level 2,000, since nobody had ever reached that high.