Chapter 61

Aura sought the kingdom core, which would no doubt be hidden beneath the capital city.

The problem was where beneath the city it was, as such information would never be made public.

Fortunately, Aura's specialty was finding things, and even if what he was looking for was well hidden, he had just reached level 3,000 from all the people dying.

Sadly, it didn't look like he would be reaching much higher, since the population of the Toffler Republic had more or less gone extinct.

There were still millions of citizens alive, but they'd either fled, been cured, never poisoned in the first place, or were immune to poison.

This particular operation wouldn't have resulted in complete annihilation in the first place, so this result was to be expected.

The main components of the country, the nobility, were still alive though, and Aura was going to hunt them down one by one once this was over.

A single survivor could theoretically request aid from an allied country to retake their territory.

Commoners wouldn't have the legal right to rule any of the country's territory, but nobles would, so they had to be exterminated.

With Fiona's shapeshifting and Laura's acting skills, gathering information and finding them shouldn't be much of a problem too.

The puppets would be disposed of after the Toffler Republic was permanently destroyed, since puppet techniques left a mark on the soul that could be easily traced if a capable mage was employed.

Aura had never understood why most puppet masters let their subjects go free after using them, it was so messy and left too many loose ends for people to unravel.

Killing them was stupid too, since it allowed their souls to go free and possibly reincarnate to tell everybody what they were used for.

The most efficient solution was obviously to imprison them with a baka, a batlike monster that would keep them alive indefinitely in a state of delirium, experiencing horrible nightmares until their soul would collapse.

A horrid fate, admittedly, but they were all players anyway, so it wasn't like it was a big deal.

If they wanted to play Ascendance again, they should never have robbed someone else's house in the first place.

Not to mention how incredibly rude they had been to everyone outside of their guild.

Actions had consequences, though truthfully not this severe for the most part.

At least the horrible nightmares will likely ensure their silence should the developers intervene and allow them to create new accounts.

After all, finding things WAS Aura's specialty, and he'd made that fairly clear.

And they probably wouldn't want to be found.

However, long story short, the puppets wouldn't be of much help in the long term, so Aura would need a better and more reliable work force.

Two slaves, however adept at information collection, wouldn't be enough to track down everything Aura had in mind.

Not to mention that he currently had two grand goals, neither of which he would be able to complete solo, though he could surely begin exploring the Outlands soon.

All the sweet sweet knowledge of the Toffler Republic's management and knight order's techniques would be contained within the kingdom core's records.

And there would hopefully be some tips and tricks for how to cut domains and the like.

Of course, a simple solution would be to learn how to use his own domain to counteract others' but he was putting that off until he quite literally had no other choice.

He really hated his domain.

And while Aura was busy being lost in thought, he had, quite conveniently arrived at the home of one of the Republic's higher ups, a Duke probably, given the grandeur of the building he lived in.

This was the perfect chance to do an epic entrance, and Aura wasn't going to miss it.

Thorough preparations were in order.