Chapter 63

"Should be about here."

Aura didn't want to waste any time with annoying security measures, so instead of finding the normal path to the kingdom core, he decided to go with the forceful route.

Due to his high level and amplified attributes, the force he could wield at once had increased drastically.

He could easily supply the dungeon core with enough force to do something as simple as dig a hole.

Combined with his item box, digging was easy.

Thus with just a few gestures, the grand cathedral in the center of the Toffler Republic was reduced to rubble and stored in a separate space, never to be seen again.

In its place, there was only a massive hole, going down until a heavily armored chamber could be seen at the bottom.

This chamber was plated in a dark red metal, one renowned for its immutability and durability, adamantium.

Aura had expected the room to be tough, but who was stupid enough to coat the whole damn thing in adamantium?!

Fortunately Aura was both a master craftsman and a badass with a dungeon core, so even with adamantium's properties, he could still force his way through.

By the looks of some of the other debris that he hadn't stored away, the passage to the indestructible chamber had been lined with all sorts of traps, most of which were not the kind of thing you'd want to leave active.

There was even a puddle of acid bubbling away a few yards from the chamber.

'The fuck were the architects thinking?'

Aura had already set up what could be considered a makeshift force drill, with the dungeon core being responsible for using adamantium scraps to form a pseudo-drill head to break through the walls.

Fortunately, Aura actually had some of the rare metal, otherwise he would have to break in the hard way which would take forever, and waste all the adamantium.

While he was waiting for the drill to make its way through the depressingly reinforced wall, some guards showed up.

Which was weird, since most of the guards should have either been dead or busy.

A quick glance at their uniforms made it quite clear that they were paladins who belonged to whatever religious order the cathedral belonged to.

They were also talking like a bunch of small fry, saying things like 'You'll never get away with this!' and 'Do you know who we are?!'.

If they attacked, they'd die, but it was kind of funny to listen to such people talking like stereotypical weakling characters who die meaningless deaths less than 5 minutes into the story.

'Oh, it seems like their captain is coming to speak with me? Unarmed too?'

A female paladin with fancy pauldrons had set down her weapons and was walking down the side of the crater.

She wasn't particularly beautiful, but it was hard to come across female paladins in commanding positions, so beggars can't be choosers.

As a side note, Aura wasn't wearing his usual thief garb, he was going around in his usual appearance, which was of course, devilishly handsome(actually pretty average), as he had designed it to be.

"What do you need from me?"

Aura decided to speak first, since the paladin seemed to be struggling for words.

"Would you happen to know what happened to the cathedral?"

"I destroyed it, why?"

It seemed this paladin hadn't expected such an answer given the fact that her face was making that face, you know, the one that just screamed 'WUT?!?!'.

"I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?"

"I destroyed it, why?"

When asked to do something that didn't bother you, do it.

This seemed to be the incorrect response though since the paladin seemed even more confused than before.

"I broke the cathedral, it was in my way."

Neither did this seem to be correct, in fact, it seemed as though her mind was beginning to collapse in on itself.

Aura could never understand women, they were weirdos to the end.

Why couldn't she understand something so simple?

Fortunately it looked like another of the small fry paladins had decided to join her, though this one was bringing his weaponry with him.