Chapter 66

Aura thought that everyone's dismissal of the game's lore strange.

Yeah sure it was just a game, but most fantasy games had at least some sort of lore that wasn't just information on the monsters or skill usage and techniques.

There were some who pursued the hidden lore and lost histories in Ascendance, but no organizations, no guilds, there wasn't even a proper library for history.

Most libraries in Ascendance just contained info on areas, monsters, items and more info.

Only a kingdom's royal library contained anything history related, and that was at most diaries of famous individuals from the past.

The only other place one could find history was in the various churches scattered across the land, and again, they only had diaries or accounts of myths.

Otherwise, history was passed on orally.

If you consider the fact that any written account of the era would one day simply disappear, it did make a little sense that nobody bothered, but that information could still last for thousands of years.

It didn't help that Forgotten Industries had publicly stated that the game was more to help people have fun and blow off steam than it was to have players explore the fascinating history of a fantasy world.

Not to mention that if one wanted interesting stories, there were plenty of fiction books in the bookstores you could find in every city in the entire realm.

To put things simply, the only books you could find in the entire game were works of fiction, encyclopedias, and diaries.

There were also the research documents that you could find in the personal stashes of mages and other magically inclined individuals, but those were mostly factored under the 'diary' section.

Even the book that documented the travels and studies of godhood that Aura had found was little more than an encyclopedia with specialized knowledge bordering on a diary of the author's personal researches.

Admittedly, a great amount of historical information could be gleaned from the categories of books stated above, but it wasn't something an individual could parse out.

Which was why only large guilds even bothered searching for tidbits of useful knowledge in libraries.

It was way easier just to ask an elf, or some other long lived species.

Even a high leveled human would know more about history than the books.

This could be considered as another reason why history wasn't written down, but this was obviously a bad idea.

High leveled individuals had a tendency to be weirdos.

Long lived species tended to isolate themselves and distrust outsiders.

If you asked the former about history, there was no guarantee you wouldn't just be told a bunch of random bullshit designed to see how much you would believe.

If you asked the latter, you were likely to be given a polite 'fuck off' and then not get an answer at all.

This was probably best described as brilliant world design.

Weirdos lived forever (which probably explained why the gods all had strange personalities), and those who did live long lives and weren't completely insane were loners.

There were exceptions, but for the most part, humans were completely ignorant of the world they lived in.

There were also a ton of them.

The only reason humans had survived for any length of time in the world of Ascendance was almost certainly due to the fact that most monsters preferred to stay away from areas with high concentrations of life energy.

And since humans were brimming with life, they were avoided by monsters.

Lucky them.


Aura had just finished dismantling the last of the traps, and was quite literally jumping with joy.

He had been bored out of his mind due to the monotony of his task, and had only pushed through because of the light at the end of the road.

A kingdom core, the perfect thing for someone like him, who ruled absolutely nothing, and instead was more interested in exploration and the creation of interesting items.

Only one item he planned to make would require the core, as it just didn't have much use to him.

So what if he could make small changes to large areas at once, he didn't even have a large area to change in the first place.

But he had thought of making a beautiful item that would allow total control over a massive domain, and as such he was bound by his own obsessions to make it.