Chapter 33.

When Sun returned home, she pulled Labong from the dog crate and took an ice pack out of the freezer.

Her ankle had shaken slightly and was swollen.


When she put an ice pack on it, she felt goosebumps all over her body. Soon, however, it felt slightly cold, and the swelling subsided.

"Oh, it feels much better."

She leaned over the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

'Dr. Park… it sounds like I'm an old man.'

Eunwoo's sudden words made her burst out laughing. She giggled for a second while recalling Eunwoo's request.

"Call me by name... It's not difficult."

Sun sat upright again, closed her mouth, and grumbled several times.

"Eu… Eun… woo... Hah... it's really more awkward than I thought."

Sun shrugged awkwardly.

It was not easy for her to call his name since she was so used to calling him Dr. Park.

'See you as a friend. Sometime we could chat at the café or eat dinner together.'

"It's good. I think I've got a good friend."