Chapter Four

Aesop's heart was pounding. He forgot about the wounds on his body. He didn't even know what to do.

Was Joseph just joking?

He... He probably was. Right? But he looked so serious...

He even thought nothing here had design as nothing was pretty to his eyes. But... Joseph was... He's... Ha... Handsome...

Aesop couldn't accept the fact that he was falling for a man. I mean he was a man himself, right?

He was ashamed of himself. But not really because Joseph really looked like a lady killer.

After a few minutes Emily came in barging through the lobby.

"Aesop? Are you alright? Why didn't you treat your wounds first? It might get infected!" Emily exclaimed while going around Aesop.

"I'm... Fine..." Emily rolled her eyes hearing his reply. Every Hunters hit hurt, what did he mean that he was fine?

"Hurry up, let's go to the clinic." Emily said while walking away. "I don't want to." Aesop's wounds actually hurt, but he just wanted to think about Joseph.

Wait, what? Aesop was dazed until Emily shot Aesop a deadly glare.

*Shiver* Aesop shivered when he felt that someone was glaring at him. He still didnt want to go tho.

Until Emily had had enough. Emily dragged the poor unwilling Aesop to the clinic.

"Oww! Emily! Your pinch hurts more than the Hunters attack!" Aesop exclaimed. Emily raised a brow then stared at Aesop. Aesop then went quiet and Emily was now happily humming a tune.

Aesop thought. "What kind of two faced doctor is this..."

Joseph's point of view

I soon left the lobby having thousands of questions in my head. But before I could go to my room I heard Emily screaming to Aesop. I suddenly felt guilty when I heard Emily ask Aesop why he didn't heal first.

Did I hit him too hard? Was I too harsh? But I only used 2/3 of my power...

I hid myself in the Hunters lobby so that I could hear better. When I heard Emily say "Let's go to the clinic" I shivered.

She... She would touch his body... She will... I shouldn't have hit Aesop so that he doesn't need to get healed! I clenched my fist so hard it felt like my nails would threaten to penetrate my skin.

I subconsciously swore that I would protect Aesop all my life and won't let him get hurt.

A few seconds later I saw Emily drag mY poor unwilling Aesop...

That's it. I've had enough. I'm going to kill Emily first whenever I have a match with her. I'll make her regret trying to go against me!

I saw how Emily dragged Aesop by his ear, and that caused my heart to ache. Aesop was getting hurt because of her...

I went back to my room feeling lost, I felt so... Empty... Was it because of him?

I thought about the rules... We... We can't be together... It's against the rules...

I thought to myself. "Maybe I don't really like him... Maybe it's just because he looked good and nothing more.

I went to sleep having so much thoughts in my mind, I was having a headache because of it.

- The Next Day -

"Joseph, come out. Jack has an announcement to make."

I was awoken by a few knocking sound on my door. I heard an unfamiliar voice as I probably never met the hunter outside before.

"Coming!" I quickly combed my hair and again, tied my golden ribbon to a messy ponytail.

After doing so, I opened the door to see a tall, slender woman standing in front of my door. She had long, jet black hair tied into a ponytail that separates to two tails of her hair. She wore a black and red kimono which was tied together with a red and yellow obi. [Obi is a sash for traditional Japanese dress, keikogi, and part of kimono outfits.]

"Jack has an announcement." She said. I asked her. "May I ask, but are you Michiko?" I asked politely.

The woman said. "Indeed. My name is Michiko. I'm also known as the Geisha." Michiko said while smiling warmly.

I nodded at Michiko then she said. "We better go now. You don't wanna see Jack angry." I nodded my head at Michiko then proceeded to head downstairs.

Soon after, I saw Jack sitting on the couch seemingly looking annoyed.

"Oh you're here. Please, do sit down." I nodded at Jack then sat down on the couch next to the Bloody Queen.

"Oh dear, you're late! Jack hates it if you're late!" The Bloody Queen said sarcastically.

I awkwardly smiled at her then just stared at Jack. As everyone went silent it was extremely eery inside.

"So... What's the announcement?" Joker said breaking the silence.

"We're playing Blackjack." Jack said with a gloomy face.

Everyone went silent and looked at each other. Suddenly they burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! You're pissed again at that boy? He seems nice tho. He can be annoying when he saves sometimes but he's not that bad." Leo said while trying to contain his laughter but failed.

"Shut up Leo. That little Mercenary keeps on picking me whenever we play Blackjack." Jack said looking pissed at the same time annoyed.

"That's fine dear." The Bloody Queen said while chuckling.

"It's not fine!" Jack said while looking grim.

I suddenly cut off their laughs after saying. "Uhhh, so what's Blackjack about?" I asked, confused.

"Right you're new hereeee. Well, basically 'Jack' gives you a card and you need to have exactly 21 points. If you exceed 21 or have a negative integer, you will lose." Joker said.

Leo further explained what Blackjack was about and now I completely understand.

"So what's the talk about Jack being chosen by Naib?" I asked.

"Well, 5 survivors will choose 5 hunters to be their partner. Jack was always chosen to be partnered with Naib and as you can see, this made him pissed." Michiko said while fiddling with her hair.

"Ahhh, I see. Thank you." I said. But my eyes were sparkling. Maybe Aesop would pick me?

- Meanwhile at the Survivors side of the manor -

(Aesop's POV)

"Guys! Who will join Blackjack?" Martha shouted loudly to get the others attention.

"Me!! I pick Jack!" Naib exclaimed when he heard Martha shouting.

"Who else will join?" Martha said.

"Me!! I wanna play with dad!" Emma said while looking sullen. "I kinda miss him..."

"Alright... Naib,Emma... Who else?"

"I'll play... I choose Michiko..." Helena said quietly.

"I- I w-wanna match up wi-with Wu Chang..." Vera said while blushing a little.

I caught Vera blushing tho. It seems I'm the only one who saw her blush.

"Anyone else?" Martha looked around.

I took a long breath and finally said. "I'll go." I sighed. I needed to ask Joseph what he meant by 'maybe I like you'

"Aesop? You'll join? Really?" Martha said seemingly looking amused and surprised at the same time by what I said.

"Yeah. I'll match with Joseph."

"Ok! Don't back out alright?" Martha said while happily giggling to herself. Probably because she wouldn't need to participate anymore.

"Alright! Listen up everyone! Here are the people who will participate!'

"Naib is partnered with Jack!"

"Emma is partnered with Leo!"

"Helena is partnered with Michiko!"

"Vera is partnered with Wu Chang!"

"And Aesop is partnered with Joseph!'

"Is everyone happy with that arrangement?" Martha asked, making sure that she didn't make a mistake.

"Alright! I'll be giving the match up to the Hunters now ok? Everyone can be dismissed now." Martha said while she happily walked away.

- End of Chapter 4 -