Chapter Seven~

(Aesop's POV)

It's been a week since we played Blackjack and I've been having nightmares about me dying by Joseph's hands I shrugged about the thought and soon realized it was now 7 AM.

It was time for breakfast and I got ready to come eat.

After I went to the dining room, everyone else was already there.

I soon sat down and started eating quietly. However, seeing me eat peacefully, Vera suddenly stood up and slammed her hand at the dining table.

Everyone was shocked and stared at Vera.

Naib was eating his pancakes but was suddenly startled by the now standing Vera. So Naib screamed at Vera but got cut off.

"Yah! Vera! Our food is scattered now, what are you doi-"

"Aesop! How dare you! Why is Joseph always nice and kind to you when he is always trying to kill me first whenever we're matched up?! You probably told him to do a charge shot at me, didn't you?! Now I have this huge ass scar in my back!" Vera yelled at me while tears were falling down her face.

"I didn't." I retorted back and continued eating peacefully.

Suddenly, Vera said something which got on my nerve.

"Huh, really?! Fine! Continue your act with that stupid and idiotic Photographer! You both fit anyway considering the both of you are stupid and just-"



"Vera! For goodness sake!" Emily cut her off and stared daggers at Vera.

"It's Aesop's fault! He's telling that idio-"

"ENOUGH!" Emily yelled. Everyone then went silent and stopped breathing, scared that Emily will get angered any further.

I was now very pale and could barely breath, me yelling never happend before and I was extremely angry.

If looks could kill, Vera would've died a million times by now.

After Emily shouted, Vera just snorted and left the dining room, I too, left as I was a mess right now.

I locked myself in my room refusing to come out and even if others come, it would be the same. No response.

For some reason, when Vera talked bad about Joseph, I was so pissed off I could kill her.

My thoughts were suddenly disrupted upon hearing loud knocks on the door.

"Aesop? You alright?" It was Emily... I sighed and finally stood up and went over to open the door.

Upon opening, Emily stared at me then suddenly hugged me. (Emily is stealing Aesop! >:0)

I was startled and just stood still not knowing what to do.

"E-emily?" I asked with a weak voice. Emily finally stopped hugging me and sighed. "Don't mind Vera. She's always like that..."

I nodded my head in approval then asked. "I-is that all?" Emily smiled at me then said. "There's a new gamemode the host wants us to try."

"New gamemode?" I asked.

"Mmm. It's called Duo Hunters. There would be 8 Survivors and 2 Hunters, the rules would have some slight changes too." Emily explained.

"Ahhh. Alright. Thanks..." I awkwardly said.

Emily smiled at me then said something before leaving.

"You're welcome. Just come to me if you need someone to talk to. I'll be leaving then." Emily then left after saying those 'reassuring' words.

A few hours later, I got bored and decided to roam around the manor. I also heard about Emma taking care of a Garden.

I took my mask, then quietly sneaked outside my room, as to avoid anyone seeing me.

I went to some random hallways I never went to before, and before I knew it, I was already lost.

Aesop what are you doing? Go back to your room. However I didn't even know where I am so thats a plus.

After roaming around for a few minutes which felt like hours, I finally found a room.

"J.K" There were some initials in the wooden board and had some weird mechanical looking stuff carved unto it.

I thought hard but still couldn't think who it was when suddenly, a thought came to my head.

Jk.... Joker? That was when the sudden moment of realization hit me, that I was in the Hunters side of the manor.

I was about to run when a tall shadow was suddenly in front of me. I thought. "I'm so screwed." I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and felt my whole body was turned around.

I closed my eyes really tight not knowing what was gonna happen to me next.

"Aesop?" I heard a deep but rather familiar voice. I opened my eyes to see that a tall man with a picture on his hand looking at me rather confused.

It was Joseph. I was suddenly reminded of my earlier fight with Vera and got pissed. I was about to say "Joseph" when we both heard some faint sound of which felt like footsteps.

"It's Jack." I heard Joseph mumble before I felt Joseph's warm arms wrapped around me and suddenly picked me up.

I got flustered and said. "J-joseph?" Joseph looked at me then said "Shhhh." I went quiet upon hearing Joseph shush me.

A few moments later, we were in front of a dark wooden door with a picture of a man with Joseph. However, they looked exactly the same except Joseph had blue eyes while the man had green eyes.

I got confused but Joseph suddenly opened the door and went inside.

I was still being pRinCesS cArrIed by Joseph and I felt extremely sHy.

Joseph soon put me on the couch and then he finally asked. "Aesop... Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Survivors side of the manor?" Joseph thought hard before suddenly standing up and went to my chair.

He held my chin upwards so I could have eye contact with him. I was extremely flustered so I awkwardly looked away.

"Aesop. Look at me." I heard Joseph's deep voice command me. I sighed and stared at him straight in the eye.

However he brought his face closer to mine and what he did next shocked me.

- End of Chapter 7 -