Chapter 9 + Sneak Peek for next chapter

(Aesop's POV)

"WHAT?!" Emily suddenly shouted "You were there?! No wonder we couldn't find you!"

I just awkwardly looked away and then asked Emily. "Oh right, what's with the new gamemode?"

Finally, Emily stopped ranting and asked. "The Duo Hunters? It's basically what it's name is except you can buy items instead of finding them in a box. You could also carry two items at once if you want. Oh, and lastly, you would need to decode 7 ciphers instead of 5." Emily patiently explained.

"Ohh, can we still escape through the Dungeon?"

"Yes, you could even get a crowbar and pry the Dungeon open early in the game." Emily chuckled then laughed.

I smiled at her then asked if I could leave and she agreed. You also might be wondering why I can talk to others now. Well... No. I'm only kinda comfortable around Emily.

But for some reason I'm extremely nervous everytime I'm around Joseph


I was about a few hallways away from my room when I came across Vera who looked extremely pissed off.

I stopped on my tracks and she did the same.

"What do you want?" Vera asked while looking at me like she would kill me.

I didn't say anything and just continued walking.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Vera shouted.

I rolled my eyes upon hearing her and didn't stop walking and eventually, I passed the 'obstacle' in front of me.

I was about a few meters away from Vera when I heard loud footsteps behind me.

I groaned, turned around and then finally asked just to be met with a blaring pain on my cheek.

"What do you wa-"


I didn't talk as I was shocked that Vera would actually slap me.

Vera looked at me, smiled then said something.

"That's for this morning." Vera then smirked and laughed.

"You should really stop wearing that mask, nothing will happen anywa-"


I smirked and asked.

"If you thought I won't hit you, you're mistaken. To a vicious person like you, I won't bother stopping myself."


I smirked then said. "Sorry, but I'm not a mirror. You should be treated. Too bad there's no cure for idiots." I evilly smiled at Vera then left.

"Aesop Carl, You'll regret doing this!" I heard Vera shout as I walked away.


(Timeskip to early morning / Vera's POV)

With yesterdays fight with Aesop, I was still extremely angry.

I gritted my teeth in humiliation as I didn't expect Aesop would hit ME. A GIRL.

I then thought of so many plans to make Aesop fall but it was all bad.

However, I have thought of something that might just get rid of him. I evilly grinned as I thought about my master plan.

He will definitely die. I said while giggling like a mad woman.

I then smiled and went to the opposite direction I was supposed to go.


(Emily's POV)

I was drinking a cup of tea in my clinic when suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come on in"

As the door creaked while being opened, I saw Vera walking towards me while laughing.

"Uhh, May I help you?" I asked as she looked fine without any injuries whatsoever.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to ask if I could join Duo Hunters? Please." Vera pleaded.

"Sure. Why the change of thought tho? I thought you didn't want to." I asked giving her a "you're suspicious" look.

Vera just laughed it off then said. "I don't know, I guess I just got bored with just sitting around. I wanna try something new for once." Vera said. She sounded convincing so I just nodded my head.

"I'll add you to the list then, is that all?" I asked as I took out a notebook and wrote some stuff on it.

"Yes, thank you!" Vera said before walking out of the door.

I was highly suspicious of Vera as she normally wouldn't even bother saying please and thank you.

But even so, I still wrote her down to the players as were, still missing a lot of survivors.

Duo Hunters was scheduled to be the next day and I haven't even started looking for players who would play yet.

I sighed as I stood up from my seat, and neatly tired my hair to a low bun.

I went down the lobby and soon asked William to gather everybody in the lobby so I can announce something.

William nodded and soon, everyone was at the lobby.

"Emilyyyy, what is it? I was busy fixing my robooooot. Tracy said while pouting her lips and latching unto my arm.

"Well, there's a new gamemode. It's called Duo Hunters. I explained it to the others already but..."

I quickly explained what to do with Duo Hunters and everybody seemed to understand.

"Well, I need 6 volunteers. Who wants to play?" I asked and surprisingly there were exactly 6 people who raised their hands.

"I wanna join."

"I also wanna join"

"Count me in!"

"I'll decode..."

One by one, the list started getting full and soon, it was completed.

I honestly did not have much expectations with these guys, but it seems like they really wanna try out the new gamemode.

After a few minutes, we were done with the listing.

"All right. So people who will join are Me"






"Naib and Martha. Is that right?" I asked just to make sure I didn't get anything wrong.

They all nodded in agreement upon hearing me and soon, the meeting ended.

"Oh right! One last thing. The match will be tomorrow at 3:00 PM sharp. Understood?"

"Yesss. Bye Emiii I gtg fix my robooooot." Tracy said as she walked out of the lobby in a childlike manner.

I smiled and sighed upon realizing how long I've been here now.

I guess time really goes by fast, doesn't it?

- End of Chapter Nine -

1004 words :>>

- Sneak Peek -

(Vera's POV)

As I saw Helena decoding a cipher I prayed to my wits end that the hunter would be Jack. I tried not to get seen by Helena cuz she has killer senses. I was waiting for Jack, and soon enough I saw him.

I quickly ran up to him and when he was about to hit me, I shouted at him.

"STOP! I need to tell you something."

I couldn't see Jack's facial features but Im pretty sure he's curious.

He nodded his head and I finally said something.

"I know this might seem weird but... I have a feeling Aesop is..."

- End of Sneak Peek -