Chapter Fourteen~

- Aesop's POV -

Suddenly, I was surprised when Jack leaned in next to me as I saw his eyes turn bloody red and whispered.

"Hey... About Joseph..." Jack evilly grinned before whispering yet another sentence.

He didn't answer

Upon hearing him, my eyes turned wide in shock.

I looked up at him in horror as I tightly clenched my fist on the rocket chair.

Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead.

I was scared. I was absolutely terrified. I didn't know what to do.

Panic stricken, I completely forgot about the match. Even when Andrew rescued me, I stood still as my body became stiff as a rock.

"Aesop!" Andrew called out, but I didn't even seem to notice him.

I was in a complete daze.

My head started spinning and I couldn't think straight. Before I knew it, everything around me became pitch black.


Joseph's POV

"What the hell?!" I screamed at the big monitor when I saw my poor baby was acting differently.

I tightly clenched my fist when he wasn't even responding when Andrew saved him.

"Get him out." I anxiously told Michiko.

"I can't." The pale faced lady told me.

I furrowed my brows upon hearing her.

All of a sudden, I heard a loud blaring sound.

"Survivor #16 has disconnected." The speaker from all sides of the room announced.

"What?!" Michiko exclaimed in surprise before redirecting the screen from Tracy to Aesop.

What I saw on the screen scared me.

Aesop was lying unconsciously on the ground, his breathing, ragged. Blood could be seen from the corner of his mouth and the side of his stomach. Beads of sweat has formed on his forehead.

I was terror shocked.

"Get. Him. Out!" This time, I screamed with the top of my lungs.

"Bi An, stop the match. I'll call the survivors side." Michiko ordered before teleporting away.

"Damn!" I cussed as I harshly stab the wooden table with my sword.

"Chill." Bi An told me while patting my back.

He then stopped the match and quickly left off.

I soon followed him out the spectator room and into the lobby.


5 hours ago

"I'll cut to the chase. You probably already know about the two." Jack expressionlessly said.

"Yes, I do." A deep voice talked back.

"What do you want me to do?" Jack asked as he removed his mask to reveal an evil look plastered on his pretty face.

"I don't care whatever you do. Do what you must."

"Can I..."

"I said do whatever you want. Must I repeat myself?" The voice chillingly retorted.

"Yes, host." Jack said before bowing and leaving the room.

Soon after, an evil glint flashed pass his eye.

"My final card will soon be revealed." Jack said before walking off and laughing hysterically.


Emily's POV

As everyone in the spectator room panicked, a call was made from the other side of the manor.

I quickly ran out of the spectator room and welcomed Michiko in.

"No need. You must've seen Aesop by now?" Michiko asked as she floated in.


"I see. Go tend to him now. A certain someone from our side is being all grumpy." Michiko chuckled at the thought.

"Alright. I'll go check on him now." I said before waving goodbye and leaving.

I quickly go to the lobby as I immediately knew that they already cancelled the match.

There, I saw an unconscious silver haired man lying lifelessly on the ground.

"Goodness me." I wipe my sweat off before I checked his pulse.

His pulse was fast and unsteady, which I expected.

I hurried called William in and carry Aesop to the clinic.

Aesop's breathing was still ragged as sweat trickled down his forehead.

I sighed at his condition and hurriedly followed William in the clinic.

- 1 hour later -

Aesop's POV

As I lifted my seemingly heavy eyelids, I wake up in a room I am way too familiar with.

"You're up?" A woman said before I felt her take my pulse. It was Emily.

"Sigh. It's good that you're pulse is steady now. You're having a fever right now so it's better that you rest." Emily said before sighing.

"Goodness, why can't you take care of yourself? Even someone from the hunters side is uneasy because of you." She continued.

"Did you know everyone was worried when you passed out? Of course besides... Vera... But whatever, don't mind her." Emily said.

"You probably don't like my ranting so I'll stop now. Just make sure you take your medicine in a few minutes. I'll be getting something for you to eat." And with that, Emily left the room.

Finally... Peace and quiet... I thought before suddenly remembering why I was even in this bed.

Right. Joseph. I thought before my head started to ache all over again.

Damned Jack. Is he serious? I... I've gotta remind Joseph if he is...

My face turned pale when I thought about all the bad things that could possibly happen.

Joseph... You better be alright after this...


As Joseph grunted through the hallway, he made his way to Jack's room.

Joseph kicked the locked door open. Upon seeing Jack slowly sipping his tea, he angrily stomped his way in.

Joseph slapped away Jack's teacup before going on.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You just whisper something to Aesop and he already started looking pale!" Joseph exclaimed.

Jack silently smiled at Joseph, seemingly amused and irritated at the same time. I mean, who wouldn't when you have been disturbed at tea time?

"You ask me what's wrong with me?" Jack chuckled before his gaze suddenly turned serious.

"But before I answer, I heard there was something going on between you and Aesop..."


End of chapter 14