Chapter 23

Another month later (cuz why not :>)

Aesop's POV

This is it. I'm nearing my breaking point. Is Joseph really on house arrest? Did something happen to him?

God knows where I could find him in this damned manor.

If Joseph really doesn't appear by 2 days, I'm done. I'm at my limit. I want to see him. It's been nearly 3 months and I still haven't seen him! I don't care if he's on house arrest or whatever, I just want to make sure he's safe.

I moved back and forth in front of my door. I want to go out and search for him. I thought.

I sighed, I walked near the window when suddenly, I staggered. My head was aching and I fell down to the floor.

"What?" I hissed as my legs went numb. What's happening? I mumbled before waiting for a few minutes, waiting for the pain to subside. Sometimes, there were days that I would cough out blood for no particular reason.

Recently, nothing much happened to the manor. Everyone was back to normal, Jack also didn't do anything to me.

I always go to matches, silently hoping that the next hunter would be Joseph. But obviously, they never were him.

"Aesop, you there?" Emily asked as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah." I said as I sat on my bed while staggering. I can't let her see me like this.

"I'm going in." Emily said as she pushed the door open.

"Heavens! What happened to you?! You look as pale as a ghost!" Emily exclaimed as she ran towards me.

Ah. I guess that failed.

Emily grabbed my wrist then took my pulse.

"Are you sick?!" Emily exclaimed before standing up and putting her hand on my forehead.

"You aren't hot..." Emily mumbled, apparently deep in thought.

"Emily. I'm fine now. Seriously." I said as I sighed. I don't know what's happening with me either. I just suddenly stagger and my head would ache.

"Then why is your pulse abnormal?"

"I- I'm probably just tired."

Emily frowned, she knew something was up. This was bad.

"Fine, I won't force you." Emily said before sighing. "Just tell me if you need something. You know where I am."

I nodded in agreement.

I obviously won't go but she wouldn't know if I'm feeling bad...

I sighed again. This was hell. I'm so sick of this.

I closed my eyes and went to bed. If only I could never wake up.


Aesop's eyelashes flickered as the morning dew hit him, he was unusually relaxed and felt comfortable.

"Mmm." Aesop opened his eyes, something big was in front of him.

"Hmm?" Aesop, still half-asleep didn't notice the man lying beside him.

"Oh, you're awake?" The man turned around to greet Aesop with a warm face.

He had silvery hair which was tied by a ribbon, his face was perfectly sculpted and his chiseled eyes sparkled with beauty (Yeah idk anymore :>).

"J-Joseph?" Aesop mumbled. "Am I dreaming?" He thought as he pinched Joseph's cheeks.

"Sss!" Joseph hissed in pain, how could Aesop pinch that hard?!

"Eh." Aesop, still confused, also pinched his cheek.

"It hurts..." Aesop mumbled as he stared at Joseph. "It really hurts." Aesop once again said before his eyes glistened with tears. "J-Joseph... Y-you're here!" Aesop said as his voice choked.

He immediately pulled Joseph to a tight hug, crying on his shoulder. "I thought I'd never see you again!" Aesop sobbed. He was so relieved.

These whole 2 months gave him anxiety like never before, thinking about it just made him want to cry. And so he did.

Joseph smiled as he patted Aesop's head. "I'm back." In truth, his heart ached seeing Aesop cry, but what could he do about it? He also wanted to cry.

"I'm sorry for disappearing, you should know that I was locked up." Joseph softly said as he was still in a hug with Aesop.

"Mm." Aesop nodded as he sniffled. "I just thought something bad happened to you and you being locked up was just a trick." Aesop explained as he wiped his tears.

Joseph sighed. "Geez, what do I do with you?" He smiled. "You're always making me worried." Joseph said before he leaned in and kissed Aesop's forehead.

"You're the one who's always making me worry!" Aesop protested as he pouted.

"Yes yes, I'm always making my dear Aesop worry." Joseph chuckled. Aesop angrily glared at Joseph before rolling his eyes.

Seeing Aesop's angered look, Joseph was all smiles. Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Right, what happened while I was gone?" Joseph asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing much." Aesop said before coughing lightly. "I've already recovered since that match and Jack hasn't pestered me since." Aesop explained.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" Joseph asked again.

Aesop laughed nervously. "Of course not! I'm very healthy, aren't I?" Aesop said before coughing lightly again.

"Then why are you so pale?" Joseph's voice turned cold as he furrowed his brows.

Aesop groaned in his head, was it really that obvious?

"It's cause you suddenly appeared, I was too overwhelmed..." Aesop replied in an innocent voice.

Joseph's frown softened upon hearing Aesop's voice. Although he still gave Aesop that I don't trust you look.

"Look, if anything is troubling you, you can just tell me." Joseph said as he ruffled Aesop's hair.

"I will." Aesop nodded. "Also, about that tea you gave me." He added "What kind is it? It tasted really sweet."


"The tea?" Aesop asked.

"What tea? I never gave you tea." Joseph said in confusion.

"Huh?" Aesop furrowed his brows. "You always gave me tea." He then stood up and took something from his drawer. "Look, I still have the note with it."

Joseph frowned but still took the note anyway. Upon seeing the contents, his face darkened and paled at the same time.

"T-this... Did you drink it?!" Joseph exclaimed as he stood up.

"H-Huh? I did." Aesop replied. "I-Is something wrong?" Aesop nervously asked.

"EVERYTHING IS WRONG, AESOP! I NEVER GAVE YOU TEA!" Joseph bellowed. This time, he was truly enraged. He just got back from being imprisoned in that damned room and now Aesop was in danger again.

Aesop's face paled, if Joseph didn't give him tea then who did?

Joseph took a deep breath before asking again. "How long has this been given to you?" Aesop could tell he was nervous since his breathing was ragged.

"Around 2 and a half months ago."

"Did you drink it daily?"


Joseph almost fainted, if he's been drinking this daily...

"Come with me, we're going to Emily." He then pulled Aesop towards the door.

"W-What? Is the tea poiso-" Aesop asked before suddenly stopping. He suddenly started coughing profusely before coughing out large amounts of bright red liquid.



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