Loduvico and the Angel's Voices

Loduvico was at his home when he watched the mayor's speech. His words pierced his heart. The sadness and pity he felt was painful, as if a thousand knives stabbed his heart again and again. He looked around the living room; it was lonely, as lonely as his aching heart.

Life was full of hardships for Loduvico. Born to a carpenter father and a supermarket vendor mother, he grew up frequenting the streets of Subangdaku doing various jobs. At a young age, he assisted his mother selling meat and fish at the local wet market after school. During holidays, he peddled snack foods in the streets. He did not pursue high school; instead, he became his father's helper at the construction sites most of the time. When there were no construction jobs, he worked part time as restaurant waiter, tricycle driver, and car washer. Later, he went back to the wet market as freighter of wet goods.

It was then that he met Margarita, a vendor of fish and seafood products. Theirs was a typical love story that started with a fishy courtship. Margarita was easily pursuaded and they later decided to stay under the same roof. After a year of living together, they tied the knot via civil wedding. Months rolled but his wife was never impregnated, no matter how much they wanted to and anyhow they did so. Margarita became an unhappy wife and the tenderness they once shared were forgotten, replaced by bitter memories. Then one day, she sudddenly disappeared, leaving Loduvico confused and depressed. Nobody knew why she left, even her own parents and siblings.

Since that day, Loduvico had been living a solitary life. There were relationships now and then, but only lasting for fleeting moments. That had been ten years ago and over time, Margarita gradually faded in his mind.

But on that Thursday night, he saw her again. While the "meteor" cruised in the dark sky, as he was staring at its bright light crashing on Subangdaku, he saw her coming down from the heavens. She was as beautiful as he could remember. She was not in her mortal form; instead, she was an angel in pure white dress with matching huge white wings. She descended from the sky and taken suprise by her sudden appearance, Loduvico was transfixed until the meteor landed and caused a violent earthquake. He was thrown on the floor and lost his consciousness. She was nowhere when he woke up; yet, her sweet voice spoke again but only inside his head.

"Loduvico," she whispered.

He was taken aback by the familiar voice.

"Margarita? " he asked himself.

"I'm an angel."


Lovudico turned around but indeed, there was no other person in his small shack other than himself. Fear instantly paralyzed him that remained kneeling on the floor. To his surprise, tears began falling from his eyes.

"Don't cry," the voice spoke again. "Do not be afraid. Instead, be glad and rejoice."

"Who are you?" he asked calmly.

"I am who I am."

"Why are you here?"

"I am here to bring bad news. Families and cities will be torn apart. There will be hunger and devastations. Fear and hopefulness will reign in people's hearts."

"Why are you saying this to me?"

"Because we have chosen you. You are the chosen one."

"We? Margarita, isn't it you?"

"I am an angel with many voices."

"So it is not you."

The angel did not answer. Loduvico stood up and roamed inside the house. He looked around; it was as empty as his heart. But at that moment, there was hope and peace rising within him.

"I am who I am," the voice spoke again. "Go and tell them the bad news."

"Who's them?" he asked.

"The people."

Loduvico became even more confused. Why did a voice inside his head talk to him, as if they were conversing? Had he gone mad?

"I'm going nuts," he said to himself. "The earthquake must have shaken me to the core."

"Believe us," the voice said. "You are the chosen one."

"No!" Loduvico screamed hard, losing his peace, and ran around the house. When he drained all his energy, he collapsed on the couch, panting and dizzy.

"Go and tell them," the voice spoke again.

"What should I be telling them?" he screamed despite his choking voice.

"The news."

"What news?" he said meekly, finally surrendering to his madness.

An unknown force took over Loduvico and he was lifted outside his house. He looked up at the sky, now dark and void of any movements. A warmth overwhelmed his entire body and in a split second, visions flashed in his mind. When it was done, Loduvico felt redeemed, as if he became a renewed human being free from sinfulness and shackles of his past. He went back inside his house and accepted the fate bestowed upon him.

"How will I tell them about the news?" he asked the voice.

"Worry not. Words will be given to you."

Loduvico nodded. He closed his eyes, letting more power get inside him and warming him further.

"People will not believe you. Be patient."

He nodded.

"They will scorn you. Make fun of you. Endure."

He nodded.

"Go. Start in the streets where the poor people are. You will give them hope."

He nodded. The voices were suddenly gone. That night, Loduvico had a fitful sleep. He saw the visions again in his dreams. Most of them were disturbing, but many were also nostalgic and promising. When he woke up, all his fears and worries were gone, replaced by his willing spirit to help the people of Subangdaku. He immediately went to the market area and began preaching the news. He was spontaneuos all the time, the voices giving him the right words to say. He trusted the voices. What they said were true - people did not believe him. But he must continue what he had started. He must not give up or be discouraged. He must tell the people the news. He must persevere for their sake.

At present, while hearing the mayor's speech, the voices again spoke to Loduvico. He was overwhelmed with love and pity for the people. Obediently, he went out of his shack and proceeded again to the market area. He must tell them the news and offer words of hope and salvation. He must speak up....