The Doctor's Wrath

Dr. Alvarado's car was passing by the marketplace when he noticed the crowd. He clinched his right fist and hit his leg with it.

"Is that the man, Morgan?" he asked his driver and personal assistant.

"I am not sure, Sir," Morgan answered. "From our distance, I can't tell if it is him. According to my investigtaion, there are two persons who frequents the marketplace, preaching some random things and predicting the future."

"Who are these two?"

Morgan slowed down the car. They had entered a busy street and various vehicles were in front and behind them. Before the meteor crashed in Subangdaku, only tricycles, cars, and pick-up trucks were mostly found on the street. But now, various kinds of vehicles came passing through, including ten-wheeler trucks and roadwork equipment. Truly, the incident opened up Subangdaku so that development finally came to the district.

"The first one is Mang Tomas," Morgan said mechanically. Dr. Alvarado always thought that Morgan was a heartless man as he had oftentimes showed no emotions whenever he talked. "He is in his late fifty. Wife is dead and all children have already left Subangdaku. He lives alone in his small hut. He began preaching right after the first meteor."

"So he was already active right at the start?" the doctor asked curiously.

"Yes, however, people don't seem to pay any attention to his words. Yet, he is always in the streets preaching."

"What does he preach?"

"Just random things on how to get ready for the end of the world. They say he had been predicting that apocalypse is coming."

The doctor laughed loudly. He could not believe that there were still people like Mang Tomas who delivered predictions, especially about the end of humanity.

"Sorry, " Dr. Alvarado said upon calming himself. "I just can't believe that guy. Never mind him, I don't think I should be bothered with his predictions.... Well, who is the second one? Loduvico?"

"Yes, Sir. Mid-thirty and left alone by his wife. He used to work in the market as freighter until the second meteor. After which, he began to give predictions like Mang Tomas. However, he also started performing miracles so that more people believe in him."

"Does he really perform miracles?"

"Yes, based on the people I interviewed. His miracles were mostly about healing the sick."

"Is he really successful?"

"They say he is."

"What sicknesses can he heal?"

"Everything. So far, no one had cried that Loduvico is a fraud. Instead, they adored him, claiming him as an angel, saint, or even God himself."

Dr. Alvarado suddenly slapped the dashboard of the car. Still, Morgan did not flinch. He was already used to the doctor's tantrums. He could even be worse than that in many occasions.

"I can't let that man ruin my plans," Dr. Alvarado said. "He may only be a small speck but he could still place me in danger."

Morgan nodded. His boss was a very difficult man. His mood swings were terrible. He could be very jolly, but in the blink of the eye, he could turn nasty and ruthless.

Morgan had just gotten back to Subangdaku yesterday. Since the meteor crash, he had busy running errands for the doctor. He had been to the main office of the National Science Center and planted a man there so that Dr. Alvarado could have an eye inside. The government easily confiscated his find from the crash away from him, and although there were promises and assurances, the doctor was doubtful about them. Besides, he could not wait to know more about the alien life form.

"We must do something about Loduvico," Dr. Alvarado said with conviction. "If he continues to make more people believe him, sooner or later he would be the most influential person in Subangdaku."

"Eventually, people will worship him."

"I can't let that happen!" Dr. Alvarado shouted at his ear.

Morgan remained unmoved. He was focused on his driving. On the windshield of the car, it was very clear that Loduvico was becoming popular. People were crowding to experience his miracles. He had offered them a cure for their sicknesses, unlike his boss who had only caused the outbreak to happen.

"I have the cure," Dr. Alvarado mumbled, as if answering the question in Morgan's head. "I promised them that. I need to keep them hoping until the facility is constructed and operational."

Morgan was there when the doctor lost control due to what happened yesterday. The collapse in one section of the building was not really big, in fact it could easily be repaired. Yet, it was big enough for Dr. Alvarado to explode. They came into the scene a little late so that the rubbles and the pathetic men were already waiting for them. The doctor was about to yell at them in frustration but Morgan was too quick to stop him. There were too many eyes around them. He led the doctor inside the safe portion of the building, along with the project's foreman. Once they were out of the people's curiousity, Dr. Alvarado let out his anger violently.

Morgan understood him. Earlier, the nurses made a mishap back in the isolation camp. Dr. Alvarado was still able to keep his cool back there that he simply reprimanded the two. Yet, knowing his boss, Morgan believed that he was cooking up something for them or for one of them. They need to learn some lessons, simply because just as his plans were starting to realize, little tragedies also began to occur. The doctor could not afford that. Dr. Alvarado needed to stay in his tracks.

"Think Morgan! What would you do in my position? You have everything under your control until someone acts carelessly. Your building collapses. And then some guy takes the spotlight away from you?"

"Well, Doctor," Morgan answered. "You can't beat them all at once. You can deal each one separately, and one by one."

"I don't have time."

"You can, Doctor. Like in the game of chess, you move each piece one by one, and before you know it, you have everything under order. You lost some pieces but ultimately, you won."

Dr. Alvarado considered his analogy. Quickly, he took out his pager and typed.

"You are a smart man, Morgan. I just sent a message to the mayor. The facility is the priority. It must be finished and operational this week. After that, all other things will come into place."

"Are you arranging a meeting with him?"

"No, but I am calling him later to arrange things. Meanwhile, you get through the details of construction and make sure they are followed down to every minor details."

"Yes, Doctor. Consider it done already."

By then, they were approaching the exit of the market area. The people became fewer and the traffic had thinned, just as the doctor's emotions had already mellowed.

"Where to now, Doctor?"

"Back to my office. I will have to settle plenty of things."

Their car picked up speed as the doctor began cooking up changes to all his plans.