Chapter 1

Her name was Kikyu Tatsumi. After coming into this world, she was known as Charlotte De Eleanor Schneider.

The world of Romania was a western fantasy world where magic existed. From daily life uses to the maintenance of the protective shield around the country, all of it needed magic.

There were 5 major kingdoms and some scattered smaller countries in this world.

The Neil kindom was one of the 5 major kingdoms with access to sea and abundant fertile land. The Neil kingdom was also one of the most developed country in the field of magic. It had the strongest protective magic shield formation that prevented other countries from invading them.

Even if another neighbouring kingdom wanted to invade them, the protective magic shield could detect ill-intentions or malice and block them from entering the country. Due to this, the citizens in the country had a peaceful life throughout the year.

Even if a war broke out and the protective magic shield couldn't hold on, the joint forces of the knights and magicians from the four big families were enough to deal with hundreds of thousands of enemy troops until the protective shield was activated again.

Although the Neil kingdom didn't have very vast lands and territories, with the advanced knowledge of magic and the magical inventions, it could stand shoulder to shoulder with other strong kingdoms.

The kingdom of Neil was protected by four strong families named as the four pillars of Neil; the house of Purple Iris, Anemone family known for their magical engineering, the house of White Peony, Harteinstein family known for their political minds which produced great prime ministers and strategists throughout the generations.

The house of Blue Orchid, Reynard family known for their great magicians that had produced great mages blessed with mana and the last one, the house of Black Rose, Schneider family known for their great military power and powerful bloodline of magic swordsmen.

These four pillars of the kingdom complimented each other in all aspects as they pledged their loyalty to the royal family and the kingdom, resulting to the current prosperous and peaceful country.

Her mother, Fiona De Schneider, came from one of the four pillars, Harteinstein family. While the current Queen, Elizabeth De Selene Lancaster was from the Reynard family.

The four families were deeply rooted in the country and were the foundation of the Neil kingdom. They were also balanced in power and had no external conflicts between them. Though the Schneider family was greatly favoured by the King, they were very loyal and never did anything that could shake the balance between the four families.

But it was not possible for some people to not have any ambitions that they shouldn't have.

"Cherry, Cherry? Why are just staring at the fish like that?" An abrupt voice suddenly pulled her out of her thoughts. She quickly tossed her thoughts away and found herself staring at the fish on her plate which had long become cold.

"Are you alright? You were in a daze for a while and didn't even touch your meal that much." The same clear voice of a boy came from her side, filled with concern.

She turned her head to the side and saw her big brother, Jeref looking at her worriedly. Jeref was 2 years older than her and just reached 10. He had grayish blue hair, sapphire blue eyes and a very handsome face inherited from their parents' beautiful genes.

Jeref looked like the mini version of their father, Sebastian. He was tall for his age and had been tempered by the training given by her father from a very young age. Everyone praised him for his talents and looks that were very similar to their father when he was young.

But his personality was completely different from her father's, cold, strict and calm self. He was a complete chatterbox. He seemed to never run out of energy and was very clingy. But this same person who seemed to never get serious was the future strongest magic swordsman in the history.

It was truly something unimaginable for a chatterbox and happy-go-lucky person like him.

"Lottey, are you feeling ill? Let me check if you got any fever." A gentle and sweet voice of a woman rang along with a warm sensation on her forehead. A warm beautiful and slender hand was covering her forehead, pulling her attention towards it.

"Hmm...the temperature is normal." Then the hand pulled itself away from her, letting her see the beautiful face of a woman who looked very young like in her early twenties. It was her mother, Fiona. She was known as the most beautiful woman in the country.

Many men wanted to obtain her hand in marriage and win her heart but was eventually stolen away by the then young head of Schneider family, making them punch the walls in regret and envy.

Charlotte shifted her sight from her mother to her quiet father who was currently staring at her with the usual calm and expressionless face but his eyes were overflowing with concern and worries that anyone could tell with one look.

He was dressed in a formal court attire with broad shoulders and fit slender body that didn't look very muscular and had a very handsome face with grayish blue hair and sapphire blue eyes.

No wonder their children were born with such breathtakingly beautiful looks.

"I'm fine, mom, brother. I just don't have an appetite today." Charlotte spoke with a reassuring smile.

"You don't have an appetite? Did something happen, Lottey? Don't lie to mommy and tell me the truth." Fiona looked at her with concern and became more worried after hearing her answer.

"I'm telling you the truth, mom. Did I ever lie to you? I just have a small appetite today and nothing more. So don't worry about me. I'm really fine." Charlotte sighed in her heart as she calmly reassured her.

"Fine. If you say so. But if you really don't feel well, don't keep it to yourself, okay?" Fiona finally gave in to her and stroked her head gently.

"Okay, mom." Charlotte gave a slight smile and nodded obediently.

"Cherry, have you thought about what you want to give me in my blessing ceremony for congratulating me?" Jeref quickly changed the topic as he looked at her with curious eyes, he just missed a pair of puppy ears and a wagging tail.

"That is a secret." Charlotte didn't even look at him and spat out.

"Ehhh...but, but I am very curious and can't wait that long~. Cherry, please tell me what it is. Please~?" Jeref held his hands together in a prayer sign and sent out cute energy beams through his puppy eyes but was ruthlessly ignored by her.

"Fufu, Jeref, don't force her if she wants to keep it a secret. You will get to see it in the blessing ceremony day anyway. Be more patient." Fiona chuckled after seeing their interactions and said.

"Muu..okay, mom." Jeref pouted at her words and finally stopped pestering his sister to tell him the 'secret'.

"Jeref, I will check how much you have progressed these days after I come back from the court meeting. Prepare well." Her father who had been watching them silently suddenly spoke in his usual calm tone but for Jeref, it was like a devil's order.

"Ehh?! But dad, you checked my progress just two days ago! You can't do this to me!" Jeref cried out in injustice as he shuddered just thinking about his father's devilish face while sparring with him.

Everytime they sparred, he would never be unscathed and his body would be in so much pain even after getting healed with magic.

He really didn't want to experience it again!

"It's already decided. No objection." After saying that, her father elegantly put down the fork and got up from his seat. Fiona also got up from her seat and helped straightening the creases in his clothes gently.

"I'll be leaving for court now. Take care of the children and look after yourself, Fio. I'll be back soon." As he spoke, he gently held Fiona's hand and planted a kiss on the back.

"Take care on your way too, dear." Fiona gently smiled and pecked him on his lips.

'Oi oi oi, mom, dad! There are small children here! Even if others could handle it, I cannot handle this PDA! My single eyes are burning in envy, ahh!'

Charlotte complained inside her heart and decided to ignore the pair of lovey dovey couple in case she couldn't take it anymore.

As someone who was single her whole two lives, she really couldn't take her parents flexing about their affection in public!

Charlotte pulled at her clueless brother and went out of the dining hall, giving private space for her parents.

See, she was such a sensible little girl. She definitely didn't leave because she couldn't take the stuffy pink bubbles floating in the background, definitely not.