Now that Sheila could move, she stood up right away. She put me on the ground but did not let me go. Instead she kept holding on to me tightly.
"Uh.. thanks for freeing me! I thought you were a bad person but you are actually really nice!"
"Yeah, it's not a problem" replied Cleo.
She turned and asked someone else
"Do you still want to ask me something?"
It seems she was talking with Edwards as he replied "No. I don't have any questions for now. I will come back to visit you in the future."
"Oh.. ok"
"Uh… can you let go of me?" I asked quietly.
It didn't look like Sheila could hear me as she started to talk with Cleo about their journey here.
I tried a few more times to talk but it was no use. In the end I gave up and decided that I could just stay like that until Sheila was done with me.
Sheila finally realized that she was still holding on to me after a few minutes of talking with Cleo and Leana.
"Ohh… Ren I am sorry, I forgot you were there!"
How do you forget that you have a person stuck to you!
"Can you let go of me now?"
"Ohh… Ok…" She finally let go of me, albeit reluctantly.
I moved back from her and looked up. She really was quite tall! She seemed taller than Turek, probably around 6'1. I only came up to the level of her breasts!
I turned around and looked up at Cleo
"Cleo, can I talk with you in private?"
Cleo gave me a sheepish smile and said "Sure…."
We walked out of the room and closed the door. I led her away and asked "What do you think about her? Can we trust her?"
Cleo's smile broadened as she said "As long as we have you, she will do anything we say."
She then started giggling. I didn't see anything funny here so I continued
"I am serious Cleo!"
"So am I. She really likes you for some reason and she was willing to give up any information you asked her. I think she is not normal but I don't think she is dangerous to us. If anything, she might be a good addition to our party ..."