Which Side (II)

Xiong Zhi's anxious heart slowed down. Based on the current situation, it looked like the elders would not necessarily side on her grandfather today.

"After that time, we, the elders, took extra care of him. My grandson never said out loud what he really feels. Even when he was hurt, or in pain, or even when he was unwilling." Grandma Zhou sniffled.

"I know this trait is very suitable for a butler, but this very character might destroy the person soon… or even the person's master." Grandma Zhou looked at Old Xiong with beseeching emotions in her eyes. 

"Master Xiong, you always ask for the best from us. And we always want to give it to you. My grandson… finally grew up. He knew now how to express his feelings well. I believe this one would help his master in the future, compared to an unfeeling machine no different than a puppet."