The Charismatic Pitiful Prince (II)

Tang Yin's impression of Lu Yin Ze slowly changed. The not so good two-faced impression of Lu Yin Ze turned into a two-faced yet courageous-with-long-endurance young man.

She leaned closer to her elder sister.

"Isn't it more of a reason why you need to cheer him up?"

"Why should I?"

"You said you are friends."

"Well, we are, but not that close. Besides, how am I supposed to cheer him up?" Tang Xinyang's way of cheering up was different than normal people.

"Just like you usually do."

"I can't beat up a Lu. Besides, I already beat him up last time."

"What? You actually beat him up? You… you really…"

"Anyway, why don't you cheer him up instead? Like play him some music or something, or sing to him. You are good at that aren't you? They said your music could touch their soul or whatnot."

Tang Yin: "...."

She did not know if her sister was being sarcastic or not.