The Steam on the Screen

The five men were silent.

Goosebumps rose on their skin.

The screen turned black.

William turned off the camera. He still had that strange look on his face.

"Well, that's Zhi'er. You finally met the youngest's baby."

…However, a day after that, due to Caleb's obvious remark about how cute and adorable Linfeng's girlfriend was that Linfeng chose her over them, coupled with Erich's look of 'I can't believe you are like that' every time they met as if seeing a monster, Linfeng finally went to Eugene and asked the matter directly.

Linfeng: "What's the matter with you guys, why are the four of you acting strange so suddenly?"

"…What? We didn't do anything wrong."

The other's eyes were swimming all over the place.

Linfeng's eyes narrowed.

"You did something bad and hid it from me…"

"No, we really never looked into your private life just to satisfy our curiosity!"

Eugene said while was sweating hard.