Meeting Xiong Mai Again

On the other side, Eitan returned to his table.

"That is the sixth king and the Xiong heiress. Who is the other woman?" Ifel asked in arabic.

"I heard that she is the eldest Tang. Too bad, she is taken."

Ifel did not comment on that. He turned to look at the third row at the corner.

"When the concert is on its peak, go talk to Mr. Ming's son."

"Lu Jin? They are here?" Eitan looked around.

Ifel secretly gestured at the third row.

"Oh, they are truly here. They are not easy to find when they hide like that. What's this talk going to be all about?"

"I am not sure yet. Mr. Ming just said that this gathering is quite suspicious. Try to inquire more."

Eitan looked around again. The tables were getting filled up. The people in each table were all remarkable, the powerheads of each industry. There might be some small fries like the ones in entertainment, but the majority of the guests here were known people.