Confirmed Truth

The handwriting ended there.

Lu Yin Ze checked the back of the letter to see if there was more, but there was nothing.

Lu Yin Ze read the letter again. 

His silver-blue eyes blurred with anger.

So this was it?

His brother did not ask for any forgiveness for what he had done to him or to their mother! 

His brother was aware of the sins he committed, yet he did not express regret for any of those, nor asked forgiveness for them, even for show!

Lu Yin Ze threw the letter down angrily. "Condemn you? Hate you? You are just like father!" 

Did his brother think that he wanted to hear those words? 

No! He hated them enough! He cursed them a lot! 

So what was the point of being angry on top of the hatred he already had for them?

He brushed his silver hair back and exhaled. 

He stood still for a long time.

His eyes fell on the letter on the ground dully.