Three Years....

Time did not wait for anyone. 

Seasons passed, and many things continued to change.

One of the great changes that occurred was after three years, the head of the Xiong Empire suddenly announced his retirement. The heiress, Xiong Zhi, inherited the company and become the current head of both the family and the empire.

It was not a secret anymore who was the figurehead behind IHZHI. Knowing that such a great young woman who created IHZHI in her teens, would run the company, Xiong Zhi was welcomed with open arms into the empire.

Like a trend that follows, the next month after that, the Tang family suddenly announced Tang Xinyang's inheriting both the title and the head position of the family and the Tang empire. 

For a while, the upper society was filled with banquets and congratulatory remarks. But the banquets and celebratory did not end with that.