What had happened?

Aaron woke up feeling like someone was beating his head with sticks. He should not have drunk that much last night. But, why did he drink so much? His head felt so heavy and his thoughts were muddled. He just could not think straight. Before he could even sit straight his hands flexed to the side looking for someone. His eyes were still closed but his hands continued to search for the familiar warmth that he was used to.

His hands slid under the cover and trailed over what felt like the smooth abdomen. He did not feel any well-known curve. There was no tingling or any sensation. It felt like he was touching something cold. He abruptly sat up and dragged down the sheet covering the sleeping body beside him.

He was astonished to see a foreign face. He could not recall anything as to who she was or what was she doing lying on his bed. He looked around and sure enough, it was their room, he was at his home but who the hell she was?

Before he could get up he felt her stir. He watched as the women beside him stretched and then opened her eyes.

'Hey handsome, want to go for another round?' She purred and before he could blink she pounced on him. Taking him by surprise, he felt her hands going lower, to a dangerous place. Somehow he managed to throw her naked body away from his and then leaped off the bed. He looked down and saw that he too was naked.

What the hell happened last night?

'You get the fuck out of here.' he shouted despite feeling his head complain against it.

'What! Don't be shy, come on.' She lazily sat up and then twirled his finger, doing come hither gesture. 'I know you want Me.' then she winked and started to crawl towards him.

'I said, leave immediately.'

'Fine! You are no longer being fun. Just give me my rest of the 300$ and I will be out of your hair.'

He did not think much just looked around. Locating his wallet, he picked it up the floor and took out three crisp notes of 100$. Thrusting them in her hands, he moved aside. He did not spare her another glance and just sat down at the foot of the bed, his head in his hands.

She left soon enough but not before giving him a kiss and saying that he could call her anytime he wants and she had fun last night. It was wild and everything he promised for. He was stunned to silence by her statement and just watched in bewilderment as she walked out. He could not recall a single thing from last night.

But from what he could conclude, he had slept with a stripper.

Why the hell did he do that?

He hastily got up and felt the whole room move. He had drunk too much. Taking one foot at a time he reached the bathroom and checked for the cabinets. Finally, he found some medicine to take down this horrible headache. He did not bother to look for glass just swallowed two pills and drank straight from tap.

Talking a shower he changed into decent clothes. He could not understand what happened last night. Everything was a blur. Did Shirley come to look for him or not? If she came then did she saw him lying with another girl? No! If she saw him like that, she surely would have woken him up and asked for an explanation.

Yeah, she must not have come.

He sighed in relief but then thought how would he explain that to her. Last night was still not clear in his head. He could not figure out what lead to all this. How could he have sex with a stripper?

He looked at the time and saw that it was after 12'o clock. Shirley must be worried about him. He should go to her house and check if she was there. He made his mind and walked out. Taking out the car from driveway he drove to her house, thinking all the way, what had happened?