Waterworks and other Thoughts

Shirley was trying to sleep. The plane has taken off and she had lots of time before it landed Greece. She wanted to use that time to rest her eyes and shut her mind. But the problem was that sleep was not coming to her. People were busy reading a magazine, listening to music. An old lady sitting next to her was knitting. She has taken her hearing machine off and then started to knit lost in her own world.

Oh! How she wished she could do the same.

 Some passengers were even napping. There was no baby wailing nearby or a person who constantly chat with fellow passengers to escape the fear of flight. No one was calling flight attendants for free stuff either. Really, it was the quietest flight she ever took. But still, sleep evaded her.

Well, none of these persons could be blamed for her misery. She knew what was the problem and where does it lie. It was her, who was having an episode and she was not taking it well. She was feeling like someone has squeezed out the life from her. The problem was that the guy she loves, well, used to love, hell! Trying not to love anymore has broken her heart. He had crushed it into tiny pieces. He did not even wait to talk it out.

He was so eager to jump into the conclusion that he did not even bother to look at the other side of the situation, her side.

An ugly thought sprouted in her mind.

Was he trying to break up with her and at the first chance he got, he jumped the ship. She thought over it, trying to figure it out. His behavior for the past few months had indeed turned sour. Nothing major but she has noticed the changes. He got angry at little things would shout at her for no rhyme and reason. Sometimes he would come home smelling like a beer bottle, behaving like a drunkard.

She had tried to talk to him about it but he always brushed it off saying that he had something going on at the office. She understood that sometimes shit happens and office politics is dirty like that. So she never pursued when he was in that mood. She always tried to cheer him up from the sidelines. Sometimes by making favorite dishes or taking him out on random dates. He would always bounce back from that shitty mood. He would apologize for his rudeness and then everything would be fine. But from the last two weeks, the apologies had stopped and then he had to leave because of work.

She had thought that this vacation would be the best opportunity to liven up their relationship. She was thinking that they might take it to the next level but all of her hopes were crushed. He had trampled all over her dreams and now she was here, alone, on a plane, with her wounded heart as plus one.

Her heart ached and she wanted to cry. She could no longer hold back the tears that threatened to escape. She hurriedly stood up and then made way to the bathroom. Fortunately, it was not occupied and she was in time for the meltdown. As soon as she locked the door she leaned against it and let go.