She is Not the Only Beggar

Shirley woke up in a daze, she was still feeling sleepy when she rolled and fell off the bed. The bed was low so the fall did not hurt, plus the carpeted floor cushioned her fall a bit. She sat up and was now fully awake. She looked around the room and remembered that she is not in NewYork but Kavala, Greece. She is here to have fun and get back to her cheerful self or to simply relax and find inner peace?

Shirley shrugged and walked over to the window, she looked ahead, the lights shining brightly from far off places. She looked up and saw the twinkling stars. She did not know for how long she was asleep, but it was night and she could see the stars splattered all over like fairy dust.

She breathed in deeply, the faint sea air expanding her lungs and telling her that she is here. Away from the place of hurt, from where she left something of her behind, forever. She does not know if she will ever get it back or it would be left there and she would be incomplete, broken, for the rest of her life.

A lone tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek, she closed her eyes and felt another tear that left the safe haven of her lids, continuing down the same path, it left just like that. And just like that, she stayed there taking in her fill of the air.

She was not sure what it would do but inhaling this foreign scent comforted her beaten self on some level. She opened her eyes when she was sure, no more tears would fall. She wanted to stare at the stars but then her stomach grumbled and she realized that she was hungry.

What was the last thing that she ate and when?

Shirley recalled that the last thing she had was a drink during her flight and nothing else. No wonder her stomach was making a ruckus. She walked back and made a call inquiring if she could have some food. She thanked them profusely when the answer the positive. She did not fuss over what she would have as anything would do at this time of night.

Shirley has glanced at the clock before making the call. It was eleven o'clock and she has crossed her fingers in hope of food. Thankfully she did not have to wait for much longer when she heard someone knock at the door. Eagerly, she opened the door and ushered in the female staff. The food was set and before she left, Shirley did not forget to give her some tips for her inconvenience. There was a smile on her face when she left.

Shirley dug in and the food was finished in no time. As per the staff's instruction, she put the now empty trolley out of the room and went back in to unpack. She did not have much, to begin with. She glanced at the watch and saw that it was only twelve-thirty. She has already slept and now sleeping would be on the last place in her to-do list, if she had one.

So what to do?

Shirley looked around the room and spotted some paper and ink on the table. She made her way to it and saw that it really was an inkpot and there was a feather placed beside it covered by a wooden weight. She lifted it up and put it aside then picked up the feather. Thinking about something she put it back and then tried to move the table.

It moved!

It was a small round table, she tried to pick it up and with little difficulty, she moved it to the desired place, by the window. Next, she picked up the chair and brought it back to the table. Sitting down on the chair, she picked up the feather, dipped it in ink and made the first stroke. She does not know what time it was when she was done as the stars were still there in the sky. She signed at the end and then let it dry. She put the weight at the empty space so that it won't fly away and made her way to the bed.

She was drained, writing her emotions, what she felt, took most out of her. Tucking herself in, she was asleep in no time.

Twinkling stars in the sky made it easy for the dark night

Sparkling pearls hidden in the depths accompanies the vast ocean in solitary

Her heart is filled with nothing but hurt, pain, and bitterness

The companions that rules and will do so for an unknown time

She wonders if emptiness would be next to come by

Betrayal is the worst amongst the five, she did not know when it arrives

What has come after is known to all, the ache still lingers and tears still fall

Would it all go away on its own?

Or is it her wishful thinking that leads to the downfall

She wondered how long she has to wait

Down on her knees, head bowed, hands folded over her heart

Will her prayers be answered or be lost amongst others

As she isn't the only beggar asking for alms…