Life is Never Going to be Same Again

Shirley kept following her newly acquired friend silently. She was amazed to see that Sam could talk so much and still be spirited. But Shirley did not mind it, not even a bit. Truth to be told she felt relaxed and much comfortable with her voice in the background. She was looking around everything as Sam pointed to her along the way.

She kept telling her about the stories that she learned from the locals on her first visit to this beautiful place. It was good and soon they reached the main building. Shirley did not know how the time flew away as it was close to lunchtime. They decided to eat the restraint to taste the authentic flavors of grape wine and other delicacies.

The food was ordered and they were sitting quietly which surprised her. Sam was not the one to stay silent for long. And as predicted Sam softly asked what she has wanted to know when they started this sightseeing.

Shirley knew that keeping it in will do no good. So she laid it all out in open. She did not know when she started to cry. It was only when Sam gave raised her hand holding a tissue to gently da her cheeks did she realize it.

Would it always be like this? Would she always be this miserable? Would this pain ever go away?

Shirley thought as she picked a tissue and lightly dabbed under her eyes. She had all these unanswered questions swirling in her mind.

When would she be able to overcome the pain?

As if Sam has read her mind, she took hold of her hands, smiled and spoke softly.

'I know right now everything seems bad and you might be second-guessing every single decision of yours. Your choice of being with him might be the first target of that. And I can tell, with what you have told so far is that, you loved him dearly. There is nothing wrong with it.' Sam squeezed Shirley's hand to reassure her.

'Love, itself is a beautiful thing. But it is not written down in stone that the two persons who love each other will always stay together. Both of you have gone with lots of things together and this has strengthened your relationship but circumstances will not always be in your favor. Time challenges the strongest of the relationship and sometimes the result is not what we wished for.' Shirley looked into her eyes and saw something flash but it happened so fast that she could not understand what she saw.

'What's more important is that you have felt this feeling. You have basked in the glow of love and these happy memories do not deserve to be tainted by negative emotions. They should be cherished. Today what you have become is a cumulative effect of your past actions. And I know that in the end this relationship failed but this does not mean that you give up on love. It is wrong to strongly hold onto that and not move ahead in your life. Give yourself another chance and you do not know maybe you will find someone who would not be so weak to give up on you so easily.'

Fresh tears gushed from her eyes and once again she wiped them away but this time her hands were trembling. Shirley knew, what Sam said is right and she has arrived at this same conclusion. But hearing it from someone else is much more empowering. It can really put things in perspective. What she has understood and what now her friend confirmed gave her new courage. She won't falter and step back.

'I am glad that I met you.' Shirley said feeling grateful. It was comfortable silence all around and nobody said anything for a while. The silence was broken when Shirley's phone rang. She glanced at the caller id and smiled.

It was from Sara.

She picked up the call and she had not even said hello when she was bombarded with words from the other side. This is so her Sara. She smiled unconsciously and heard her friend telling all about her engagement. It took her friend a bit of time merely, Shirley glanced at the time and only fifteen minutes has passed by.

Their food had arrived and she was eating, in between her morsels, she would hmm and let her friend do the talking. After another fifteen minutes and she was done with her food. Even Sam was intrigued and had asked in a low voice who was calling her. when Sara was done telling her side of the event she asked how was she doing?

'So I can also speak, huh! I thought you would be the one talking and I have to listen to your monologue till next morning.'

'Yes, I am feeling better. I have met someone here and before you let your imagination run wild let me tell you that she is a girl.'

'What? No! I have not changed my sexual preference.' Shirley said bewildered.

'And no I do not like girls like that, one sour experience has not done that big of damage. I still like men.' Shirley tried to explain to her friend.

'You want to talk to her, ok.'

'It's my friend Sara from New York and she wants to talk to you.' Shirley passed the phone and watched as Sam talked animatedly with her friend. Sam was smiling and Shirley did not like the way her eyes shone. Sam was nodding on and off and there was mischief in her eyes.

She had an inkling that her life is never going to be the same again.