The Quarrel

Shirley spotted Sam as soon as she stepped out in the hotel lobby. It was hard to not spot a girl who looked like she was participating in a shouting contest. Thinking that her friend might be in problem Shirley hurried her steps.

'You crazy dog, how dare you to flirt with my man? Who do you think you are?' The woman shouted.

'Someone with a better taste in men! And FYI, it was not me who was flirting it was your man who came to talk to me. And who are you calling a dog? Clearly it's your man who needs a leash.' Sam retorted.

'With just your looks, you dare say that? He has me, and I am way better than you. You vixen! It is you who is trying to seduce my man.'

'Ha hahaha. You and better than me… haha haha. I won't have time for this stupidity. I am leaving. Haha haha.'

'You dare laugh at me, I won't let you go so easily.' with that said that unknown woman jumped forward to push Sam who has turned her back and was about to move away.

Shirley saw that the woman was trying to harm her friend and she saw red. At the last moment, when she was about to push Sam, Shirley intervened. In nick of time, Shirley pulled her friend to her side. She did so, that when the woman falls, she did not implicate her friend. She did not want her friend to become a cushion to soften her fall.

She has no mercy for people who try to harm her friends.

All of it happened so fast the onlookers were stupefied. The trance was broken when they heard a shrill scream and hastily covered their ears to prevent bleeding. The voice was too pitched to bear.

The woman landed on the floor face first and soon her body followed. She remained that way, lying on the floor and continued screeching loudly. Shirley did not feel an ounce of guilt or sympathy for her. She deserves it and more, Shirley thought that if she had not come then the one lying on the floor might be her friend. Plus, she did not do much, she simply pulled her friend out of harm's way.

Who asked her to sneak attack her friend? She was only reaping what she sowed.

Out of the crowd a man came to help the wailing woman up.

'Ge Ge, you all right, what happened? Why are you like this?'

'Darling, it was her who pushed me. You have to get justice for me?' The woman was acting cutely in front of that man. The onlookers were shocked to see the woman's transformation in such a short time.

The man looked in the direction of Shirley and Sam and asked in a raging voice.

'Why did you push my Ge Ge? What wrong did she do? You must apologize properly, if not, then do not even think about leaving this place?'

'Listen, you, mister. I did not do anything and nor did my friend. It was her, who came to me and accused me of stealing her man. When I denied such accusations she started shouting at me like a banshee. I did not want to argue with her so I prepared to leave. But who would think that this woman had such malicious intentions in her heart? She wanted to push me when my back was turned. If my friend has not arrived on time, the one the floor would not be her but me.' Sam stopped once she explained everything.

'No! Darling, do not listen to her. She is lying. It was her, who came to me and she wanted hook up with you. I told her that you already have a girlfriend but she wanted to follow you. When I tried to stop her she pushed me.' the woman said with unshed tears in her eyes.

Shirley was looking at the woman who was slandering her friend. If she had not seen the previous scene she too would have believed her. Her acting was that flawless. She watched as the man got roped in by her pitiful state.

'This lady, you must apologize to her.'

'Are you lacking in mind. Don't you see that this woman is deceiving you?' Sam said exasperated.

'I know her. She will not lie to me. You must apologize.' The man was firm. Shirley saw when that woman smiled like a sly fox when he was not looking and when he turned to look at her, she once again came back to her wronged expression.

'Are you blind? She is clearly lying to you. If you do not believe me, ask anyone present here. I am sure that you will learn the truth. This time Shirley could not hold herself from commenting. It was clear as a picture that the woman was taking advantage of him. he was besotted with her and easily fell for her lie.

'Miss, you stay out of it. I need not ask anyone. We have been together for five years and I know she loves me and won't lie to me. I trust her. Please, ask your friend to apologize.'

'So what if you two have been in love. this does not mean that she won't lie to you. Wake up, you moron. It is her who must apologize to me, for defaming me.' Sam said in a no-nonsense voice.

Shirley knew that if this continued their won't be any outcome. She looked around and spotted what she was looking for. She murmured something in her friend's ear and left.

Sam and that man continued to bicker. Meanwhile Shirley reached her destination and quickly accomplished the feat. In no time she was back. The fight was still going on.

'Mister, Please stop this. Listen to this man, here and you will learn the truth.' Shirley aid in a composed tone but her friend caught the slight disturbance. But she did not enquire as she was more intrigued by the man by her friend's side.

'I am sorry. I am the manager here and as I was busy so I could not come in time. Sir, please have a look at this video. I have taken this clip from the hotel's security camera footage. The truth is in it.'

Hesitatingly the man took the phone and looked at the content. The video was finished in no time. Everyone was waiting for the man's reaction. Nobody has left, they waited how he will react when he learns the truth.

Poor man, he clearly loves a wrong person. Everyone's eyes held pity for the man.