Late Arrival

Shirley looked at the wall clock and saw that it was already half-past ten. She was waiting for Sam to arrive. Yesterday before they departed Sam has asked for her room number and told her to wait for her arrival the next day. Shirley glanced at the wall clock for the umpteenth time. It has already been more than half-hour from the decided time and Sam was no show. She has called her many times but her phone number was not reachable.

She could not wait any longer and made up her mind. Just as she was about to leave she heard a knock. Delighted to think that Sam was here she rushed to open the door. But it was a false alarm. The bell boy was here with breakfast for two. She let him enter the room and he left after placing the food tray on the table.

With dejected steps, Shirley made way to the table and lifted the top to uncover the breakfast. Taking a quick look she hastily placed the lid back to prevent the food from getting cold. She heard a grumble and knew that it was her stomach that was making such ruckus.

It was all because of Sam.

She wanted to have breakfast with her so after waking up a bit late she has called to ask for a special breakfast for two around ten-thirty. She was not hungry per se. But now when she opened the lid and took a sniff. The mouth-watering aroma wafted off the delicious hot pancakes covered with chocolate sauce made her salivate. And now she was feeling extremely hungry.

She was contemplating if she should eat first or go to look for Sam? It was a tough decision to make. So she reasoned with herself. If she went to look for her and then fainted because of hunger then it won't be good. And what if as soon as she leaves Sam comes here then, it won't do either.

On the other hand, if she eats breakfast then it will only take a few minutes and she will be done with it. She will have the energy to search for her and what of mid breakfast Sam arrives then there won't be any need to go to look for her.

In the end, Shirley decided to do neither and once more dialed her number hoping that her friend would be in a range and the call would connect. She waited patiently but again the call did not go through. This time the reason was that her phone was switched off. Numerous bad thoughts started to enter her mind and she prayed that her friend was safe.

She tried one more time but then she heard a knock on the door. She did not pay much attention to it and went to open the door. Her mind was still on the call that refused to connect so did not notice that it was Sam who was standing at the door with lots of bags in her hands.

'Idiot, pick up the phone.' Shirley thought out loud.

'Idiot, who?' Sam asked. She wanted to ask for help with the bags but her friend was busy with the phone.

'Sam is the idiot.' Shirley answered reflexively. But then she whirled around when she recognized the voice and sure enough it is Sam.

'You are here. But what's wrong with your phone. And why are you late? I was worried about you.' Shirley asked as she walked to her and took some of the bags from her hands to share the load. But she did not get any answer as Sam has already deposited the bags on her bed and made way to the table.

'Hello! Answer me and put that lid down. We will have breakfast when you answer my question.'  Shirley said trying to be stern but it was of no use. Her friend has started with breakfast. Apparently her friend loves food more than the conversation at this point.

So without further delay Shirley too joined her and the pancakes were polished off in no time. Sam let out a satisfied burp and looked at her.

'I love you.'

Sam blurted out, made a beeline to the bed and then plopped on it. Shirley cautiously made her way to her friend. When she reached her bed she poked Sam and called out her name. But she did not get any response.

She heard soft snores and realized that her friend has drifted off to sleep. Shirley took the bags off the bed and then put them near the spare table. She rearranged her friend's sleeping form took out her flats and covered her with the quilt. She saw that Sam was wearing strange pointy earrings that might accidentally hurt her. When she tried to take them off and her face came near Sam's her facial expression changed.

She could smell alcohol.

Her friend was drunk!