Easy Way Out

Shirley has no idea of the plot that was brewing behind her back. She was happily chatting away with Sara. She told her everything leaving nothing behind. She was so animated that Sara could not help but notice the glow on her face. Sara has never seen her friend like this, not even with that scoundrel Aaron. Occasionally she has seen her smile when he was around but never this lively.

Looks like this Drake guy managed to work his magic on her friend in such a short time. She has to meet him. She was curious about that guy. He got her friend's smile back in its rightful place, on her lips.

She has to thank him.

She could deduce that the guy might even like her but her friend could be so dumb sometimes. Sara sighed at her friend's naivety.

'He gave me this before I left for the airport.' Shirley finished her monologue and then showed Sara the neatly packed gift.

'Are you going to open it?' she asked curiously.