The Ring & Cherry

Shirley woke up very late.

Well, it definitely is late as per her normal schedule. It was already ten o'clock in the morning. When Shirley realized what time it was she wanted to rush out and get ready for office. She has barely taken a step out of bed when she realized another thing.

There was no need to hurry because today is Sunday. So she could sleep all she wants.

She fell back in her bed and then sighed. She remembered her last night's escapade and groaned. Thinking about it she wondered where the man went. One moment he was there pointing his gun at her and the next second he vanished.

All of it felt surreal. She could have lost more than money last night. She has not even told Drake that she likes him.

Shirley abruptly sat up.

She was having 'the moment' where epiphany struck her hard.

Life is like that. You have it now and not the very next second. It is fairly unpredictable and anything could happen at any time.