Date, Flowers & a Kiss

It was a lovely morning, Shirley thought as she woke up feeling light as a feather. From the past three days, she has been chatting on and off with Drake. Last night Drake called and told her that he has landed here and would meet with her tomorrow.

She slept surprisingly like a baby. She got ready for the office but her mind was in clouds thinking about Drake.

Although he has not said it clearly when he told her that he would meet her at the Café latte. But Shirley felt that this meeting of theirs feels a lot like date, her first date with him. She reached the office feeling fresh as a daisy.

What surprised her most was Jane and Noah was sitting together. Well, Jane was on her chair while Noah leaned against her desk. Both of them were having coffee and talking.

Shirley has to clear the metaphorical specs as she noticed Jane smiled at something Noah said.

When did this happen?