Tear Him apart Limb to Limb

David's point of view

It was midnight as he approached the building. He has been out on a business trip and although he had arrived in the afternoon he dare not come.

He has not informed anyone of his arrival. He wanted to look at her first. He could not do it without knowing about her if she… he dismissed the unfinished thought and kept moving.

He could not come in the daylight, not when everyone was present. They would know. It was written all over his face. So he decided night time would be the best time. He will be quick, in and out and it'll be done.

His steps were light and slow. They seem to drag.

His shoulders that normally looked as tall as mountain giving a sense of security to everyone. Now they were slumped as if drowning under a heavyweight. His eyes which were always filled with a sharp glint now lacked their luster. The bags under his eyes were more visible.