V1 Ch 6:The System and Meeting Again

In the center of the Town of Trost

'Well to be honest it is really a fortress City which covers 56 square miles; about half the size of Orlando Florida back on earth its really impressive that they managed to pull it off but I technically made it to be honest' Sandstorm is humming to herself while sitting on top of the Library overlooking town center. " I can not wait to see everyone again. I wonder if I am allowed to tell them who I am?" " 'admin privileges' 'open up list of logged in players' here we go" Sandstorm smiles seeing the first few players logging in and creating their character. " say system, that I never talk to, I am going to call you Fate okay. What features do you come with?"

(Fate: It is about time you asked Creator-sama. I come with well all of your admin privileges along with well here's the menu

System points: not needed for creator-sama

- Shop

-Multiverse teleportation



-creative mode

- Fate coding interface

- gifting

Fate: are you happy creator-sama? Do you need anything else?


The first player appears in the square and its Ben's character "nope i'm good" she smiles while shooting off at mach 1 to hug ben.


she quickly hugs ben then teleports away to the roof of the church with him

"huh who are you?! why is an NPC hugging me!!??" Ben

"Stupid ben" Sandstorm undid her disguise to show him, her charachter "Its been a lonely few hours ben. Where is everyone else?" She says smiling at him.

"MIKE!!!" Screams ben crying hugging the girl

"STUPID LOLI-CON!!, I missed you too how was my funeral?" She says giving him a confident smirk

"I so I guess the Truck-Kun rumors are true like the stories" said Ben "I will be right back i'm going to go and get everyone else" before he logged off

around 30 minutes later Ben logged back in and the rest of the development team also logged in.

'administrator Privileges teleport these 7 users to me' thought Sandstorm selecting 7 players from the player list.

"hi everyone nice to see you again" She said while smiling at them all

"is that really you mike" Yui

"yep, Kinda wish i made a male character now"

"Pfft, serves you right" Yui says laughing

"so how are you alive mike i mean i found your body" Elizabeth

"To be honest I'm not allowed to talk about it, um standard truck-kun reincarnation I guess you could say. However I became my character and somehow this world became a real world with players being vistors" Sandstorm says looking down with a red face "I became a goddess..."

"I am so happy because the last memory both James and I have of you is right before we passed out drunk" Connor says laughing

Lisa is hugging Sandstorm from behind making Sandstorm sit in her lap "why did you make you character so cute mike or I guess Sandstorm?" Everyone can see that Sandstorm's face is completely red like a tomato down to her neck.

"Yep something must have happened with Mike's head he's acting too cute"Kazuhiro Said feeling her forehead.

"So this is all of the admins right" Sandstorm says trying to brush off everything else.

"Should have been but since you died none of us could change the code" James

"Oh well I can change it from here, but I need everyone to remember the fact. That the world is no longer just a computer program it real" says Sandstorm while operating her admin menu in front of them.

"Also all of you will need to become either a member of the god, demigod, or angel race." Sandstorm says while looking at them.

"I also plan on going back to earth so if Ben could make me a fake identity as his imouto that would nice"

she says muttering

"If you want to be my little sister you need to call me Onii-chan got it?" Says Ben

at this time as if to distract everyone a notification pops up asking them what they want their second race to be.

Ben becomes a dwarven demigod (Fate: added User irish_drunk01 as an admin)

Elizabeth becomes a Elfen demigod that evolves into a high elf.

Lisa becomes an Angel. (Fate: added User Lisana as an admin)

James becomes a human Demigod. (Fate: added User Sg_hidden as an admin)

Yui somehow evolved into a ancestor of the fairy race with a humanization skill. (Fate: added user the_fairy_queen as an admin)

Kazuhiro became a wolf kin demigod (Fate: added user kirito032 as an admin)

Connor became a paladin, angel as his race changing from battle priest. (Fate: added user Pendragon_of_Light as a admin)

"Why did no one choose the god race?" Asks Sandstorm

"We didn't want become like you stuck as an immortal in this world working till 80 then retiring till 110 is enough" they all said

"Also did you say you need a fake Identity as Bens little sister so you can come back to earth?" Asks Elizabeth

"Um yes..." she says as her face gets red once again. "So if Onii-Chan can make one for me that I would *mumbled inaudible*" Sandstorm says looking straight down so they can't see how embarrassed she is.

"Did she just call Ben Onii-Chan like he asked. Why does Mike seems so cute it's weird" says Connor