V3 Ch 7: Sandstorm's trial


After Eren's jury hearing and his beat down by captian Levi at the hearing. It was time for Sandstorm's Hearing.

"So what you going to do with me?" asks Sandstorm

"Well um we want to know everything." says the Judge

"Okay, you got anything that can keep me in this room?" She asks while breaking the cuffs and putting her hands in front of her standing up. Suddenly every gun in the room was pointed at her.

"Go ahead and shoot. Those toys can't kill me." she replies

"W-why would you go so far we only want answers." the Judge says

"To be honest we are lucky she let us take her and Eren in." says Pixis

Sandstorm looks at Pixis and smiles. She Looks at a guy with the gun and walks towards him.

"stop or I will shoot" Member of the Military Police.

She keeps walking anyway. The military member starts shaking then pulls the trigger. *Boom* Followed by another 20 Guns firing.

Everyone's jaw drops to see the bullets stop in a few inches away from her just float there before going back and hitting every gun that shot at her destroying them.

"See told you those toys can not hurt me." She says smiling at the Judge releasing about 1/4 of her pressure causing some people to freeze, and some to pass out.

"I don't owe you anything, your lucky for what I told you. Also you wall worshippers fuck you." She says. "worshiping false gods, Those walls were made by a Titan." some people hear her mutter before walking out of the court house. She walks to the room where they are treating Eren's wounds.


"welcome back Sandstorm how did your trial go?" Eren asks

"You too Eren, say tell me how did Levi's foot taste?" Sandstorm says not answering his question.

"So, you were serious about joining us?" asks Captain Erwin

"Sadly I need to follow this guy in order to get home." She says pointing at Eren Transforming into her Storm form.

"Sandstorm what are you revealing infront of them" Yells Eren

"Yeah nya, Maybe i should change my form again nya." she says

"wait what?" Says Levi in shock.

"Oh um Sandstorm is my real name nya. and the redhair with golden eyes is what I really look like nya ,but I can change my looks at will nya" says Sandstorm.

"wait that look, your Storm!" cries Erwin in shock.

"Yep nya, took you long enough" She says smiling

Sandstorm goes back to Sandstrom form then Changes her hair and eyes to black

"Hmm, this should work." She says

"Does that mean you can see the future" Hange Zoë Asks

"Kinda, I mean I can see it completely ,but thats no fun so I ofetn don't do it" She replies

"anyway Sandstorm didnt come here, Call me.... Sand i guess, and im Joining the scouts." She says Laughing.

"Wait why do you have to change your identity, what did you do?" Asks Levi

"Nothing" She says looking away a little embarresed.

'That doesnt look like nothing!' Everyone screamed in their mind.

"ah, Squad leader Hange your titans specimen will get killed in a few Hours, It happens at night before sunrise." she quickly says to distract them.

"AAAAHHHH!!, Sawney! Bean!" Hange screams before running out the door.

"now your not going to get pestered for 13 hours straight Eren congrats." she says smiling at Eren.

While Capitan Levi and Commander Erwin just look at her. "W-what" she stammers alittle scared by their look.


A few hours of questioning later.

"so can I leave now, I kinda want to the bathroom" she says standing in an awkward way.

"ok just make sure you comeback to scout headquarters tonight, so you can meet the other recruits i need to go to selection." says Erwin


"How was selection, Mikasa and Armin?" Sandstorm says smiling welcoming them back to the scout barracks. She's in her Sandstorm form.

"What happened at your trial Sandstorm?" asked Armin

"Ah... that was just a misunderstanding... yep just that." She says being vauge

"You made half the people in the room passout, destroyed 20 rifles and cursed out the leaders religous group!" Yells Levi at her.

"mhmm.. Definetly a misunderstanding" says Mikasa agreeing with her, happy with what happend to them, after they threatened to kill Eren.