V5 Ch 3: I’m all fired up


A few hours after interfering with Kazuma's summoning.

Aqua and Kazuma walk into the guild.

"Welcome if you wanna order food go ahead and take a seat, if you are looking to register or sign up for a quest the counter is over there." Waitress

Kazuma and Aqua head to the counter to find Sandstorm standing behind it.

"Hello are you here to select a quest?" Sandstorm says with a grin.

"No we would like to register. So we can defeat the Devil King!" Kazuma

"W-Wait a second!?" Aqua

"What's wrong Aqua?" Kazuma

"It's her" Aqua says pointing at Sandstorm

All the while Sandstorm is showing them this shit eating grin.

"How are you doing Aqua and Kazuma-San" Sandstorm says.

"Wait! You were in that room!" Kazuma

"Bingo, anyway put your hand on this and it will register your card." Sandstorm says

"Okay, but I have some questions. You better answer later" Kazuma says putting his hand on the orb.

"Nope." Sandstorm says to his statement.

Throughout this entire conversation Aqua is just staring at Sandstorm.

"Who are you anyway? There's no godly aura, no divinity" Aqua ask

"Ah, that, I suppress it cause I scare everyone." Sandstorm says with a smile.

Sandstorm releases a bit of her pressure and the building starts to shake, before retracting it.

Aqua is wides eyes and Kazuma is saying something about the last boss.

"Hey! Sandstorm what did I say about not charging people the fee to register as an adventurer" Luna yells at Sandstorm as she lightly chops her head.

"Ow, I forgot sorry Luna onee-chan" Sandstorm says with tears in her eyes looking at Luna.

"Luna onee-chan?" Kazuma asks.

"Ah this girl is my little cousin" Luna

"A god as a cousin" Aqua mutters

"I call bull" Kazuma says

"Onee-chan can I join their party?" Sandstorm says.

"No, absolutely not" Luna says hugging her.

"Since my little cousin likes you two I won't charge for the adventures registration"

After Luna says that she directs Aqua to put her hand on the orb.

"Wait!! Dragon Slayer Magic!!!" Kazuma yells out looking at his card.

"Yep it's fire dragon slayer, like Natsu Dragneel." Sandstorm answers.

"Cool that's better than the powers I was offered by this goddess." Kazuma says pointing at.

"That's not possible he brought this beautiful goddess. he shouldn't have gotten anything else" Aqua says

Sandstorm starts giggling while Kazuma looks at her and asks. "Is this your doing?"

"Yep" Sandstorm replies.

"Aqua you have high everything besides luck and intelligence. You could easily be a arch-priest." Luna says

"Say Sandstorm can you help me train my magic?" Kazuma asks

'Did everyone forget the pressure I released earlier?'

(Fate: your welcome, creator-sama)

'What did you do Fate?'

(Fate: don't worry about it, can't have everyone afraid of you.)

"No I don't have dragon slayer magic or dragon slayer body. I can't eat fire like you will be able to."

Sandstorm yells Kazuma

'I maybe a dragon and can do it but I don't feel like it.'

"How am I supposed to train?"Kazuma

"Have you never seen fairytail?"Sandstorm

"Ah the pink hair kid that says 'I'm all fired up!'" Aqua says while doing a perfect impression of Natsu while using her godfist instead of a fire fist.

While Kazuma goes "oh, I remember" and Sandstorm just stares at Aqua with her jaw dropped.

"Aqua, you watch anime?" Sandstorm asks

"Sandstorm get back to work, okay!" Luna says showing a smile that's not a smile. To which Sandstorm simply nods.

"You two have promise, especially you with your dragon slayer class. Stay away from my cousin! Got it!" Luna tells Aqua and Kazuma.

They leave to go find quests.

"Why did you do that Luna onee-chan?" Sandstorm asks

"That boy is a pervert stay away from him." Luna tells Sandstorm.

"H-How did you know!" Sandstorm says eyes open wide in shock.

"I am fine with you talking with Wiz she's a good role model but stay away from those two." Luna states.

"I'm 18, ya know, I am an adult!!" Sandstorm yells at Luna for treating her like a child.