V5 Ch 7: Training Kazuma’s party


Waking up in the morning.

"Oh, it's been a few months since I woke up in this bed." Sandstorm says getting up from her old bed in the guild dorms.

"I guess no one knows that that old mansion next to the one that's going to be haunted, next to the community graveyard. That was given to me when I got my nobility" Sandstorm says to herself standing up. Her tail still waving behind her.

Sandstorm snaps her finger and her outfit changes to one of the many adventure outfits she has. The outfit looks similar to her scout corps uniform.

She the walks out of her old dorm room and heads down stairs.

"Morning!" Guild waitress says smiling at Sandstorm.

"Morning!" Sandstorm yells and shows a brilliant smile.

Everyone is looking at the fox Sandstorm like she is some goddess, well she is but, you know.

"Sandstorm!!" Luna yells quickly hugging her attacking her ears and tail.

"Wan!!" Sandstorm yelps out and quickly gets rid of the ears and tail.

"Mou, bring them back" Luna says disappointed.

"No they are sensitive and feel..." Sandstorm blushes and turns her head away.

At this time Kazuma and his party walks into the guild.

"You knew didn't you Sandstorm!!!" Kazuma yells

"What ever are you talking about Kazuma?" Sandstorm says in Japanese to change the subject.

"Your from Japan!?" Kazuma shouts surprised thinking that Sandstorm is another transmigrated person.

"No one of my co-workers was from Japan. They taught me a bit. That and all the anime." Sandstorm answers

"I am from the land of the free and home of the brave, one of Japan's allies" Sandstorm says

"America!? No in all isekai stories it's always a Japanese person." Kazuma says shocked

"Well I'm proud to be an American" Sandstorm says smiling.

"I'm surprised your not crusading to defeat the devil king."Kazuma says

"It's called peace keeping" Sandstorm says

"Sensei, teach me magic!" Megumin yells after getting over the fact that Kazuma and Sandstorm are speaking a language she can't understand.

"Ok, well first thing you need to know is that you must learn mana control through the adventures card. After that follow me my apprentice." Sandstorm says walking out of the guild really quickly.


At the front gate of Sandstorm's manor.

"Welcome home mistress." Gate guard

"Ah, Clyde your on the clock today. Great I found a student I want you to teach the way of the sword to. Her experience is nonexistent and her aim is clumsy at best, however her strength and endurance are perverted, in both ways." Sandstorm says.

The guard at the gate today is Clyde a sword saint who was saved, taken in, and healed by Sandstorm. After his party was completely wiped out by the Devil King's army.

"What kind of training are you going to put my body through!?" Darkness says while breathing heavy and getting well... excited? Maybe? I don't know it's Darkness.

'I should have gone to initial D' Sandstorm thinks to herself reminiscing over the past 5 years.


Inside the house.

"So have you learned the mana control skill?" Sandstorm asks Megumin

"Yes Sensei, I have" Megumin says

"Great then first thing you need to know is the mana control skill has levels. To level it up you need to constantly run mana through your body like this." Sandstorm says showing her then has Megumin do it to point out the faults in circulation

"Like this Sensei?" Megumin

"Yep your good now, can't believe you only took 30 mins to get it right. Anyway you need to slowly increase the mana running through your body. This will also actively increase your physical strength like a minor body reinforcement spell." Sandstorm says

"Really!? Will it let me increase my over all mana?" Megumin

"Yes it will but also take this it's a sign of being one of my students." Sandstorm says handing her a necklace.

The necklace was no ordinary necklace it had a passive increase in mana recovery and also increases the wearers mana pool.


On the practice field in the courtyard

" hey Clyde... how strong is Sandstorm?" Darkness

"Whenever she shows up the Devil King runs" Clyde says without a hint of sarcasm.

"Why doesn't she just kill him?" Darkness

" I asked her that myself and do you know what she said?" Clyde

"What?" Darkness

" and I quote 'chasing that false Demon is to annoying'... I mean he's a Devil king" Clyde