V5 Ch 9: Meeting... I mean killing Dullahan.


"Emergency Emergency, all adventures to the front gate" is heard broadcasted through

Where is Sandstorm during all of this. She's standing on top of the front gate laughing her ass off.

Over in the field you can see Dullahan completely beat up with dings in his armor.

"WHO THE FUCK BLEW UP MY CASTLE YOU COMPLETELY DESTROYED IT AND KILLED MY HORSE" he screams at the adventures gathered around the front gate.

He obviously looks like he has seen better days.

At this point Luna down on the ground starts laughing too

"WHaT's sO FunNY!!!" He screams in anger.

"My cousin was right ahahahahah I can't believe that lured you here!!!! Ahahahahah" Luna yells laughing.

Megumin walks out not afraid like she was in the original work. She knows she's strong, extremely so.

"You're the imbecile who blew up my castle!!?? Yeah right!!!!" He yells at Megumin not believing her.

"The only person who can destroy those defensive wards has to be at least 1/10 the strength of the bloody Duchess!!!!" He yells at Megumin

Darkness has a shocked look on her face.

"I don't know who the bloody duchess is but I am Megumin, Arch wizard of the crimson demon clan!! I command the strongest Explosion magic!!!!" Megumin yells than starts her chant.

"Darker than night the blackest black, bring fourth destruction!!!!, Explosion!!!!!" Megumin yells


Laughter can be heard coming from smoke. Dullahan survived

"That stung little girl." He says

"That was my weakest explosion spell let's do my strongest one now!!!" Megumin shouts with a weird light in her eye.

She begins to do the chant but runs out of magic halfway through and falls over unmoving from mana exhaustion.

"I can see it now. That is the spell that destroyed my castle that's completely possible..." he says thinking to himself.

"Well guess I have to kill you" black mass starts to gather around Dullahann's hand.

"'I sentence thee to death.' You'll die in one week" He says

However Darkness jumps in front of her taking the curse for herself.

"Arrghh!" Darkness yells in pain.

During all of this Sandstorm moved from the top of the gate to 3 feet behind Dullahann unnoticed.

"Darkness!" Megumin yells.

"Are you alright"Kazuma yells running up to them.

"It doesn't appear to be serious..." Darkness says

"It appears this method may actually be more effective against tightly-knit adventures such as yourselves." Dullahann says

"Listen, crimson demon girl. That crusader will die in a weeks time." Dullahann keeps talking thinking everyone is looking at him.

But no they are looking at the red headed little girl standing behind him, she has a finger to her lips telling them all to be quiet.

"Your precious ally will suffer as she trembles in terror of death until them. Yes because you destroyed my castle! Watch your ally suffer and die" Dullahann says turning around to walk away.

He sees Sandstorm.

"...." Dullahann

"Yo, bucket head. Long time no see." Sandstorm says showing him probably the scariest smile anyone will ever see.

"The Bloody Duchess!!!" He screams in fear.

Starting to run away he falls over.

"I think I heard you cursing one of my students to die." Sandstorm says with a smile that's not a smile.

Sandstorm breath's our fire she's so angry, her eyes also change to that of reptiles. Her dragon aura leaks out unconsciously.

"D-dragon!? Y-your a dragon!!!!" Dullahan yells

Sandstorm crushes his body destroying it and picks up Dullahans head.

"Your head isn't bound to the false demon king is it?" Sandstorm asks

"N-no it's not please don't kill me!!" Dullahann

Sandstorm walks back towards the gate.

"Luna onee-Chan, I captured the Dullahann. His head isn't bound to the Devil King we can interrogate him for information." Sandstorm says with a smile that doesn't seem to match the situation.