V8 Ch 16: Gilderoy Lockhart

It's 1 week till school starts and Sirius kept them at 12 Grimmauld Place, everyone got their letter to go back to Hogwarts.

"Of course he got hired... at least the basilisk is out of the school. Can't wait to see Riddles face." Sandstorm says reading the letter.

"What did you do?" Nova asks over hearing her

"You see my second year I told Dumbledore about it and I got to capture the snake with Newt Scamander." Sandstorm says

"Lucky!" Nova shouts


"Gilderoy Lockhart is doing a book Signing!" Shouts a random witch.

"First one to punch him when he hits on you wins." Shirone says

"Easy, how about first one to rob him blind and gets him fired first wins." Lisa says

"That's a better idea." Sandstorm says

They walk in front of the book store Flourish and Botts.

Sandstorm suddenly feels a hand touch her shoulder.

"Aaahh!!!" Sandstorm screams bloody murder.

Using illusion magic to make it look like Glidroy just felt her up.

She runs away a few feet and crouches on the ground shivering and crying.

Meanwhile Gildroy Lockhart is about to have the worst day of his life.

"You perverted old Pedophile! I'm 15!" Sandstorm shouts glaring at Gilderoy while everybody that was there for the book signing looks in shock.

Suddenly Gilderoy's hand falls off of its joint. Blood flying everywhere, panicking he tries to stop the bleeding with a piece of dirty cloth and a belt.

Meanwhile Sandstorm's group is trying their hardest not to laugh while Lisa's look, well it's the look one gets just before they die.

Aurors suddenly come out and surround Lockhart.

"Mister Lockhart we are going to need you to come with us for questioning." They say wands pointed at him.

The last thing the ministry wants is the goblins rebelling again.

"And there we go." Sandstorm says with a smile at they walk into to book store and buy none of his books.

"Well done, don't do it again your mine okay." Lisa whispers into her ear with a smile that's not a smile that makes her whole body shiver.

"Y-yes!" Sandstorm says studdering.

"What are you going to do when he uses his memories to clear his name?" Nova asks

"I don't think he's that smart." Sandstorm says

After buying only a handful of the required textbooks.

They see the Weasley family and the Malfoy family arguing in the distance. After it's over Lucius Malfoy drops a boom in Ginny's cauldron only for it to disappear the second it entered.

"Lisa, look that look on his face is priceless." Sandstorm says pointing at the death eaters panicked face.

"Pfft." Lisa

"Hey Nova-Chan do you wanna return this book to Mr. Malfoy?" Sandstorm asks handing Tom Riddles diary to nova

"Sure, also your not in Japan stop it with that stuff." Nova says

"Okay." Sandstorm says wanting to screw with Tom so she didn't destroy diary.
