V9 Ch 1: I know where I am now.

After several hours in the German transport truck.

"Blimy to suddenly have a potato sack shoved over my head." Sandstorm says in her Sandstorm avatar red hair golden eyes with a heavy Scottish accent.

To suddenly be thrown in front of Johann Schmidt.

'Oh! It's red skull!' Sandstorm says being tied to the chair.

"So, the Asgardians came for the tesseract, the cosmic cube." Schmidt says

"I don't know what your bloody talking about." Sandstorm says playing along.

'Think I might keep the Scottish accent for the time I'm here.' Sandstorm thinks

"Oh, I think you do!" The man yells at Sandstorm on the seat.

"No clue mate." Sandstorm replies back.

"Then what was that scythe! Our reports saw you holding a crimson blood red scythe!" The man shouts.

Sandstorm just sits there and smiles.

"Throw her in the prison we can torture her for information later." He says as they pick up Sandstorm and take her away.


"Hello." Sandstorm says the second she recognizes Bucky in the cell.

"I'm Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, with the 107 infantry."

"Friends call you Bucky right?" Sandstorm asks with a smile.

"So what's a little girl like you doing on the battle field?" Bucky asks

"Do you hit on any girl that breathes?" Sandstorm asks a little shocked.

"Nah, just trying to keep my sanity." Bucky says rubbing the top of her head.

"Don't! My hair!" Sandstorm say covering the top of her head.

'If I had known I was coming... I kinda regret turning my Fateweaver into a girl...' Sandstorm thinks waiting for Steve's rescue.


Several hours later everyone is asleep a circular portal opens up in the cell.

"Hello" says a bald woman stepping out of the portal.

"Ah, I was half expecting an old man." Sandstorm says with a smile.

"What are you doing in this world if I may ask?" The Ancient one asks quietly to not wake up the other prisoners.

"Some one tried to use me for their own agenda so I reality hopped." Sandstorm says with a smile.

The ancient one seems to frown a little.

"What are you?" She asks

"To be honest no clue?" Sandstorm says laying down on her plank using her hands to rest her head.

"Tha-"how long till Steve comes?"" Sandstorm asks cutting the woman off.

"About an hour or so" she responds

"Say ancient one, drawing the powers of the dark dimension is a rather bad idea." Sandstorm

Says with a smile as the ancient One leaves realizing the girl is no threat but running circles around her with dialogue.


Sandstorm awoke to flak cannon fire in the middle of the night.

"Oh here we go! Who's ready for a prison break. Pass it down 20 mins." Sandstorm says with the biggest yet scariest smile ever. Because who could get bored of killing Nazis.

Suddenly the guards come in and take Bucky.


A few minutes later.

Suddenly a few cells over a prison guard collapsed on the cell roof with a person holding a bronze shield standing over them pulling off the keys.

"Who are you supposed to be?" A prisoner asks

"Uh, Captain America." Steve replies running down to open the doors when the one behind him is sliced open by a scythe.

"You're Steve Rogers right?" Sandstorm says holding the crimson rose. Still talking in that accent.

"They took Bucky he's still alive, Let's go." Sandstorm says running down the hall the scythe over her shoulder.

"The tree line is north west, 80 yards past the gate. Get out fast and give 'em hell. Meet you guys in the clearing with anybody else I find." Steve says running after the girl.

Some may hear him mutter "lord she's faster than me."

Running down the hall the alarm sounds limbs flying everywhere.

"Mind slowing down a bit!" Steve yells

"Keep up old man!" Sandstorm yells back going even faster basically becoming a red blur.

"Dang it, I said slow down." Steve said gasping for breath.

Suddenly they see Dr. Zola come out of a room down the hallway.

"Barnes is in there." Sandstorm

"Crimson rose!" Sandstorm yells as her scythe transforms into a sniper rifle.

Shooting at the doctor she knocks off his hat then hits his brief case. Before he turns the corner and is gone.

Steve runs into the room and pulls out Bucky. Sandstorm follows him and studies the map with the Hydra base locations.

"Bucky" Steve said

"Steve? I thought you were shorter." Bucky asks as Steve tears the leather restraints.

"Come on" Steve

"What happened to you?" Bucky

"I joined the army." Steve replies

"Steve I'm going to run ahead!" Sandstorm shouts taking off well in a flash.


Outside is pure and total chaos.

Sandstorm walks out to massive pits in the ground and fire everywhere.

"That watch tower looks a little too nice." Sandstorm says holding up her hand as a magic circle forms and she moves her hand up ripping the watch tier out of the ground and throws it into the other one.

Everyone fighting stops and stares till a Jim Morita the Asian guy suddenly shouts "that was awesome!"

"Your from Fresno right!" Sandstorm shouts back picking taking pot shots at the running hydra members with her scythe.

"Hell yeah!" He shouts back.

"We are going to be great friends! How about a pint on me after this!" Sandstorm shouts to all the soldiers currently fighting.


At the clearing in the forest.

Sandstorm starts clapping as Rogers and Bucky arrive.

"So Captain, which way back to camp!" Sandstorm says with a brilliant smile.


Several long hours of walking later.

We arrive at the front of the gate.

"Why can't I drive the tank again" the little girl at the front of the line covered in blood says holding a large scythe. When suddenly Steve smacks her on the back of the head with his shield.

"Because you shooting down German planes with it gives away our location!" Steve shouts at her

"But you let me shoot down planes with my Rifle." Sandstorm says back.

"You shot down those thing with your rifle!?" Steve shouts shocked.

"Aye." Sandstorm says with a nod twirling her scythe.

Everyone in the camp is cheering in the background.

Colonel Chester Phillips walks up.

"Some of these men need medical attention I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." Steve says

Suddenly the sound of a gun being cocked can heard coming from the little girl holding the scythe.

"T-that won't be necessary." The Colonel responds.

"Yes sir." Steve says

"Hey sweetie why don't you put down the scythe and come with me?" Peggy asks Sandstorm.

"Okay." Sandstorm says as the scythe disappears from where it was.

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" Bucky shouts as the cheers being again.

"Let's not forget! What's your name?" Steve asks Sandstorm.

"Alia" Sandstorm says with a grin

"Hey girl you weren't lying right first drinks on you?" A solider shouts.

"Do you think I was bloody lying!?" Sandstorm shouts pulling out a Sack full of gold coins.

"She's a leprechaun!" Another solider shouts

'Oh no... did I really get that nickname.'


Sitting in a chair in a tent.

"So Peggy? How's MI 6 treating you?" Sandstorm asks.

Peggy stalls and looks at the girl.

"What? Say... can you do me a favor, when Rogers puts us together as a team I got a man I want on it and am vouching for." Sandstorm says with a smile.

"Who?" Peggy asks

"James Howlett and his brother. They should be in the first Canadian Parachute Battalion."

Sandstorm says with the giddiest grin she has ever had.

"You tell me who you are first." Peggy says

"Name's Alia I'm 18 from Scotland and not a leprechaun." Sandstorm says arms crossed swinging her legs that are hanging off the chair.

Sandstorm looks up at the air and some one feels really uncomfortable in Asgard.

"Good enough. Your coming with me to Britain." Carter says standing up while the Colonel is trying to organize transport out for the soldier's.

"This is going to be fun."

Sandstorm says with a massive smile.